Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Infrastructures Of The Information Technology And Systems Research Paper
Infrastructures Of The Information Technology And Systems - Research Paper Example The studies at postgraduate level ought to be difficult and absorbing, especially when research methodologies and techniques are involved therein. They demand a systematic approach to be employed in order to overcome the complexities and difficulties of ‘adding’ something to human knowledge base. Such complexities and difficulties ought to come across and you have to exercise the tested skills and expertise to address these difficulties aptly and promptly. We were lucky to have these skills and expertise taught in the beginning of the course which helped a long way in our studies. The targeted content taught in the initial phase of the course proved quite useful in understanding and applying the different aspects of theoretical and perspective studying skills and various approaches that can be helpful in getting around the tricky parts of the course. The framework provided in this part was tailored to fit the course specific requirements. Other than the taught contents a host of online resources for organizing and managing the studies were introduced to further assist the learning process, theories and the perspectives. The best part of this short initial session was instilling a will to succeed and excel in the career of strategic business information technology. It is all the more important for any study that you are aware of the benefits attached to the set of expertise that the study targets and to know how this may help in the career-building process. building process. The better you know about the study objectives the better you can perform to achieve th ese objectives. The major skills that were induced at this initial phase include time management skills, presentation skills, skills related to listening and learning effectively, team and group management and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Reviewing my Christian service charity activity Essay Example for Free
Reviewing my Christian service charity activity Essay 1) Identify the details on your Christian service: Where? When? How? For whom? My Christian service was at the Markham Food Bank near Main Street, Unionville. I volunteered during May 21st, where I was one of the only few people who got up in the early morning in order to take the initiative to serve the community as well as Christ. By packaging and organizing food for the poor, we were serving the less fortunate people of Markham, who visit the food bank as a means of obtaining food. 2) Some of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations that I examined in my grade ten year were: Recognizing there is more grace in our world than sin and that hope is essential in facing all challenges Thinking reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems Setting appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life Thinking critically about the meaning and purpose of work One specific expectation that related directly with my service work this semester was relating to family members in a loving, compassionate and respectful manner. I gave the same type of effort and care into the poor people who needed my help, essentially making them a part of my extended family. I tried demonstrating compassion and love towards them through my hard put effort in organizing, packaging, and sorting an assortment of different food for them. I also contributed to the common good by helping these poor people. In modern society, most people would bypass on the less fortunate people of our communities without offering any aid. These types of inconsiderate people are not supporting the common good of our world. By ignoring and dishonouring Gods precious creations, we are directly going against God himself. Thereby, my actions in helping these poor people are an act to expand and establish common good in our community. THINKING 3) The Golden Rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is a theme that is demonstrated in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In two paragraphs, answer the following questions as they pertain to the Christian Service work that you have completed during this semester. Analyse how your Christian service: a) Promotes human dignity My Christian service promotes human dignity because I am restoring pride and hope in the hearts and minds of the poor by helping them carry out a normal, everyday life. The less fortunate suffer everyday due to their lack of money, homes, and as well as human essentials. They are sometimes abused verbally and physically by those that think they are superior than them, which causes them to lose their righteous human dignity. By providing these people would proper food and water, I restore a small portion of their dignity as a human being. They should not feel low or bad to have to come to us for help, because that is what we do for each other. In this essence, I am able to help promote human dignity through my services at the Markham Food Bank. b) Challenges any personal religious and/or social biases. Often people in society do not associate with other people or help them out because they think that they are not on the same social status as the other. These social biases are particularly true with homeless people who seem to be suffering more and more simply due to their social status. These judgemental remarks make it even more difficult for these poor people to obtain food and get jobs. Therefore, through my Christian service, I am challenging the boundary of any social biases by offering free food packaged and boxed for the poor and suffering in our communities. APPLICATION 4) In a paragraph, demonstrate how your Christian service fulfills some aspect(s) of the Corporal works of Mercy. My Christian service perfectly fulfills the first Corporal Works of Mercy that is to feed the hungry. By going to the food bank, and packaging/organizing a variety of food in boxes for the poor people, I am helping to feed the hungry people of our society. All these less fortunate people wait in line everyday in order to be fed, and I was just fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be able to help serve the poor by providing their food. Therefore, my Christian service successfully fulfills this aspect of the Corporal Works of Mercy. 5) In a paragraph, evaluate the effect your Christian service has had on your moral and your faith development. This Christian service has indeed had a significant impact on my moral and faith development this semester. By experiencing the difficulty of getting up so early in the morning and going through traffic in order to arrive to the food bank, I realized the level of dedication and love these people must have to come out there every day to help less fortunate civilians. Furthermore, I learned that I should never look down on someone simply because they are not as blessed us, rather I should be more compassionate and understanding of these people. Not only that, but the simple fact that there is such an organization out there, such as the Markham Food Bank, that serves free boxes of food for the poor and less fortunate, makes me truly believe that God exists and he only wants good in our world.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Dialect and Dramatic Monologue of Curtain of Green :: Curtain of Green Essays
Dialect and Dramatic Monologue of Curtain of Green Eudora Welty is not merely a brilliant writer, she is a brilliant and gifted storyteller. A product of the South's rich oral tradition, Welty considers the richness of local speech to be one of the greatest gifts that her heritage has to offer (Vande Kieft 9). Southern speech is characterized by talking, listening, and remembering. Welty, a great listener, based many of her stories on bits of dialogue overheard in her everyday life. However, Welty makes the most of the southern propensity for talking. Her stories are rich in dialect and often take the form of dramatic monologues, as in "Why I live at the P.O." and "The Petrified Man." Southern speech is primarily narrative and frequently takes the form of tall tales, folk tales, and local legends. This holds true in Welty's writing, in which one will not find mere conversation, but the telling of a story. Often with Welty, the story is not told through the narrator, but rather by the characters (53). It is through this structure that the dramatic monologue appears. In Welty's "Why I Live at the P.O.," the postmistress of China Grove, referred to only as "Sister," is systematically alienated from her family following a fight with her sister, Stella-Rondo, whom she accuses of stealing and running off with her boyfriend, Mr. Whitaker. As the two sisters compete for the support of the family, one by one the family members take up sides with Stella-Rondo, and Sister states her case to the reader. "Stella-Rondo hadn't done a thing but turn her against me from upstairs while I stood there helpless over the hot stove," rants Sister. "So that made Mama, Papa-Daddy, and the baby all on Stella-Rondo's side (Welty 102). Welty, a true master of language, never received any form of formal education in the field of writing. She was educated through her surroundings, through listening and remembering. Welty's use of the Southern vernacular is an important element in every story she writes. One also might notice that it is nearly impossible to read one of Eudora Welty's stories without hearing it as well. Welty's written Southern speech is highly characteristic of how the language is actually spoken. It is the qualities of the spoken word that show through in Welty's writing and give it its poetic richness. Although Welty makes frequent use of dialectical spelling and pronunciation, it is through rhythm, idioms, and specified vocabulary that she is able to bring southern speech alive (Brooks 416).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Types of Organizational Chart
Businesses come in many different sizes and forms. Organizational charts are used to visually summarize the structure of a business. By using charts to study the overview of a business' structure, owners can analyze how effective operations run. By identifying bottlenecks and redundancies, organizations ensure smoother operations and increased efficiencies. Organizational charts display businesses from different aspects depending on the nature of the business and the needs of the chart creators.When creating charts, it is essential to think ahead as to how the charts will be used, how they will be presented and to whom they are presented to. Hierarchical Hierarchical charts show the relationships between top and lower levels. These types of charts can show an organization's structure, key top-level personnel and areas or employees they are in charge of. Hierarchical charts show authority and can be effective in summarizing the chain of command and accountability within an organizatio n. Matrix Matrix charts display an organization as a group of teams with functions.Each box on the chart refers to the name of a team and its function or could display the team leader's name. In the latter case, each team's box breaks down into individual subteams of members and their subfunction. Flat Flat charts are used for companies that are owned, managed and operated with few employees. For instance, mom and pop stores are horizontal or flat organizations because there are few levels between these working the front line and management. Employees in flat organizations are often involved in key decision-making for the company.Flat organizational structures can be presented as a triangle which shows the owner at the top followed by a middle level and bottom level of departments. Geographic For very large companies with divisions dispersed throughout the world, a geographic organizational chart that shows the locations of divisions is beneficial. Typically, each box is used to dis play the division name, location and division head. The company's main headquarters is displayed on the top level with the other geographic locations given on the bottom level.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Social Construction of the Amish Community
Sociology 1101 The Amish Community, an Example of Social Construction The Amish culture qualifies as an example of social construction because it is a belief that has important consequences for a large group of people. The people of the Amish community have specific rules they must follow. They believe that the outside culture has a morally polluting effect and that it promotes pride, greed, immorality and materialism. Some of the Amish beliefs include the concept that God will judge them on how well they have obeyed the church rules during their lifetime and that contact with the â€Å"outside world†makes it harder to obey their rules.This is the reason for their extreme isolation. Even though the Amish culture believes that the â€Å"outside world†has a polluting effect on them and their children, there is a time within the Amish community that the parents throughout the community allow their children to participate in events and activities that they usually wouldnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t be allowed to participate in. This time is referred to as Rumspringa. Rumspringa is also referred to as â€Å"running around†This is the term used to describe the period of adolescence Amish experience starting at around the age of sixteen.The parents of the children who choose to participate in this opportunity feel that their children cannot be shunned from the Amish community because they are not yet baptized and they are not yet under the authority of the church. Rumspringa helps the young adults to choose whether they want to join the church or not. The young adults can choose to join a youth group on the weekends usually. These different youth groups have different activities or events they participate in. There are two main groups; one considered the slower or plainer group and the other considered the faster group.The slower groups participates in activities such as volleyball games, and singing groups and are even sometimes supervised by adults while the fa ster group participates in parties and other activities considered less conservative. Although most people seem to think that the youth who participate in these groups are participating in heavy partying, drug use, premarital sex or other extreme behaviors this is usually not the case although these are not unheard of throughout the faster youth groups. The Amish community serves as an example of social construction because the ideas of this culture are passed along by xplaining each aspect of the community through personal interactions and friendships, people begin to believe these strict aspects are what are to be expected because so many other people of the Amish community are believing them and practicing them. Then the strict aspects of the Amish culture are eventually accepted and passed down from generation to generation. â€Å"The Amish people are direct descendants of the Anabaptists of the sixteenth century Europe. Anabaptism is the religion that came about during the ref ormation era.The term Anabaptist first started out as a nickname that meant re-baptizer, because this group rejected the idea of infant baptism, since an infant doesn’t yet have the knowledge of good and evil. The Anabaptists were seen as a threat to Europe’s religious and social institutions and were therefore persecuted. †The idea of Rumspringa first begins because of this specific aspect of the Amish culture, the belief that their children cannot be shunned by the Amish community because they are not old enough to know the difference between good and evil.This then allows the people of the Amish community to consider what the specific age of knowing good from evil is and then they present the specific idea of Rumspringa to the Amish culture. The Amish community passed through the three phases of Berger and Luckmann’s analysis by first; externalizing the ideas of the culture by putting an explanation of the ideas â€Å"out there†The Amish commun ity first presented the idea of Rumspringa to the entire community when they felt that their young adults should have a choice whether or not they wanted to continue to practice the Amish believes and pass them down to their children.Although it may seem that this act of Rumspringa is going completely against what the Amish community believes, the Amish parents do not encourage their youth to leave home and participate in sinful behaviors but they feel there must be at least some room for free choice in the decision to become Amish. Rumspringa was also explained as the time the Amish community allowed their young adult children to participate in youth groups that would lead them to finding a spouse and if this happened and the two young adults decided to get married their time of Rumspringa was over and they were now to be baptized.The second phase they passed their belief through is objectivation. This is the most crucial phase of construction. The strict rules of the Amish communi ty led the people of the Amish community to believe that being exposed to the outside world would pollute their minds. But, when the idea of Rumspringa was first put out there for people to consider, it showed that this would allow their children to participate in activities and groups that they were not usually allowing them too.At first the people of the Amish community felt this idea was crazy, but after it was explained that their children would not be shunned from the community because they had not yet been baptized and were not yet under the authority of the church and that their young adult children needed free choice in whether or not to continue the practices of the Amish culture, people began to really consider this idea. Many Amish families decided this was a good idea and began to practice this new belief.They felt this could actually help their family continue from generation to generation. The third phase of Berger and Luckmann is the phase of internalization. This new ly introduced belief of the Amish community was spreading quickly and more and more people began practicing this belief. More people of the Amish community began to involve this belief into their everyday lives because they felt this could lead their children to marriage and then they would soon be baptized and be considered under the authority of the church.People of the Amish community had children and has these children grew up they were introduced to the idea of Rumspringa and as these children grew into adults and had their own children they passed down the belief to their children and eventually the belief of Rumspringa throughout the Amish culture was now passed down from generation to generation religiously. Even though the idea of Rumspringa was doubted when it was first presented to the Amish community, the people of the Amish community began to actually consider the aspects of this new idea and realize this could help their children and even their families for generations .This is how the beliefs of the Amish community passed through the third phase of Berger and Luckmanns reality of construction. I believe that the beliefs of the Amish community could either be effectively challenged or accepted depending on the person who is examining and judging the culture. The Amish culture thoroughly explains each aspect of their culture and why they participate in each aspect. They have specific background information on why they now accept the idea of Rumspringa.I feel he Amish culture could also be effectively challenged because, even though the Amish culture presents their ideas of Rumspringa and explains that they feel this certain period of time in their children’s lives could effectively alter their lives for the better, this time doesn’t actually let their children move outside the community or even the home. The young adults of the Amish community don’t actually get to experience what it is like to live in a house where there is te levision or dress differently or even eat food they have never tried before.I feel the period of Rumspringa should be widened completely. The young adults should be able to spend six months to year physically living and working in a whole different world and this would actually allow them to make a completely honest choice about whether to join the Amish community church without the heavy influence of their parents. I feel this would effectively allow the young adults experience Rumspringa.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How Non-Native Business Writing Courses Help Global Employees Succeed
How Non-Native Business Writing Courses Help Global Employees Succeed Many companies have invested in a global workforce, drawing new strength and innovation from diverse international employees. However, for those who do not speak English as a first language, it can be difficult to meet the strict writing requirements of the modern English workplace. Non-native business writing courses tailored specifically for global professionals can help companies get the polished writing they need and help employees gain the confidence and skills to meet their individual business goals. Non-Native Writers are a Growing Part of Today's Workforce The Bureau of Labor Statisticsnotes that in 2012 foreign-born workers made up over 16% of the US workforce with that number steadily increasing since 1996. The largest non-native group was Hispanic men, making up close to 48% of foreign-born workers. While the weekly earnings of non-native employees were statistically less than their native-born counterparts, the survey also showed that educational attainment directly increased earning power.A recent study by Wharton management professor Laura Huang found "a widespread bias in the business community against non-native English speakers: Entrepreneurs with non-native accents, she notes, are significantly less likely to receive new-venture funding, and job candidates with non-native accents are also less likely to be recommended for management positions. Foreign-born workers need to invest in strong communication skills in both speaking and writing to overcome these prejudices in the modern workplace. What Problems do Non-Native Writers Face? While native writers develop an ear for their own language, for non-native writers it can be difficult to adapt to the unique structures and complexities of formal English. The most common struggle is in understanding the subtleties of English grammar. Many native speakers instinctively understand grammatical rules but are unable to communicate the reasons behind them to employees. Practice and study using real business documents as examples are necessarily to learn both basic and complex grammatical structures. One-on-one instruction can be especially helpful in identifying individual weaknesses. Other cultures often have different standards and techniques for handling logic and evidence in business writing, so explaining and understanding the expected standards of American business writing is essential. Do I Really Need to Improve My Writing to Succeed? For many, the talents of an employee are a stronger selling point than their writing skills. On the surface, who cares if an engineer can write a cohesive memo as long as they can design a functional product? However, businesses have quickly realized that communication skills, in any field, are essential to the success of both the employee and the company. Companies both in the US and around the world are increasingly conducting business in English. As theHarvard Business Review reported, the use of English can be a controversial decision, noting that employees "may feel at a disadvantage if their English isn’t as good as others’, team dynamics and performance can suffer, and national pride can get in the way. But to survive and thrive in a global economy, companies must overcome language barriers- and English will almost always be the common ground, at least for now." However through directed education and practice, all employees can learn to utilize English as another skill to add their already diverse talents to help themselves and their company succeed. How Can Personal Instruction Provide Targeted Improvement? Treating all non-native writers the same is neither helpful nor productive. Different cultures and languages face varied and unique challenges and a one-size-fits-all education can leave costly gaps in knowledge. Learning in the workplace can be a high-stakes endeavor with mistakes in a memo or proposal causing headaches for both employee and employer (and in the worst case scenario can lead to legal or financial problems for the company). Non-native writers can feel extreme pressure to perform when only writing for the business environment. Writing for an instructor, however, provides safety and supportthat focuses on improvement rather than simply results. Instructors can provide a detailed plan to follow in a structured writing course and can improve writing with targeted feedback tailored to the writer's specific needs. Please contact us for help finding a generalbusiness writing courseor non-native business writing course for yourself or your non-native employees. We're here to help.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project
Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project Executive Summary Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) was started in 2002 by John Melia who was wounded in Somalia in 1992. The members of his family and other veterans, Al Giordano and Steven Nardizzi, supported Melia’s efforts to establish WWP. Until 2005, WWP operated as a division of another nonprofit organization the United Spinal Association of New York.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 2005, the WWP separated from the associated organization and moved its headquarters to Jacksonville, Florida. Thus, by 2010, the nonprofit organization started by several activists has rapidly grown into an influential project employing 118 workers and raising millions of dollars to support veterans. Over the years, WWP has shown impressive progress culminating in her appearing among the very top performing organizations in the nonprofit catego ry. However, with the rising number of volunteer soldiers to war and, the economic crisis experienced in the recent years, there is a need for WWP to reexamine their position with a view to fit into the new realities. It is important that she continues to serve the interest of wounded soldiers while coping with the high numbers which are expected and still remain steadfast in its mandate. To achieve this goal, a medium term strategic plan for WWP, is deemed inevitable. The purpose of this strategic plan is to define the goals for WWP with respect to the results it envisages within the stated period of 5 years. The basis of the plan is a report collected from performances over a time period. This will be followed with an analysis of the external and internal environment through a SWOC analysis and a stakeholder analysis respectively. With these results as a basis, the strategic plan aims to lay out the strategies for successful implementation and action plans to close the gap from th e current position to the desired position within this period. To be successful, the process intends to have a ‘buy in’ strategy that allows for vivid participation of all stakeholders concerned. The Board and Top management will have stated their support by signing on the sheet provided.Advertising Looking for proposal on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The goals and the plans to achieve them must remain realistic and as such, must involve the immediate implementers in the team. It shall incorporate workable performance monitoring and evaluation component as well as a provision for any arising changes hence the need for flexibility. Background information Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) was started in 2002 by John Melia who had been wounded in Somalia in 1992. Melia’s initiative was supported by the members of his family and other veterans Al Giordano and Steven Nardizzi. Unt il 2005, WWP operated as a division of another nonprofit organization the United Spinal Association of New York. In 2005, the WWP separated from the associated organization and moved its headquarters to Jacksonville, Florida. Thus, by 2010, the nonprofit organization started by several activists has rapidly grown into an influential project employing 118 workers and raising millions of dollars to support veterans (Wounded Warrior Project, n. d.). Mission The mission adopted by WWP is to provide support to the veterans of the US military forces by honoring and empowering them. The phrase concerning the greatest casualty that is being forgotten used as an epigraph on the website of this nonprofit organization implies the inability of the society to provide the necessary and deserved social and financial support to the veterans. The vision The vision of the organization is formulated as an ambition to foster the generation of wounded veterans which would be best adjusted to the realiti es of modern society and the most successful one in the history of the nation. The purposes of this nonprofit organization include the improvement of the social awareness on the special needs of the injured service members and motivate the community to provide the necessary aid to the wounded warriors. Additionally, WWP is aimed at providing the injured veterans with opportunities to assist each other. These goals are achieved through the implementation of the unique programs complying with the needs of injured warriors. Aims To improve the social awareness of the special needs of the injured service members and motivate the community to provide the necessary aid to the wounded warriors and their families.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Core Values The core values of WWP are defined as FILIS: Fun Integrity Loyalty Innovation Service The core values formulated in the form of FILIS are coupled with the culture of teamwork in WWP that is beneficial for enhancing the performance of the staff and even motivating each of the employees to give extra effort to make their organization succeed (Wounded Warrior Project, n. d.). Programmatic activities The programs of WWP are structured in a unique way to nurture the mind and body of the wounded veterans and foster their economic empowerment and social engagement. Thus, all the programs activities are divided into four main subgroups, including mind, body, economic empowerment and, social engagement. The participation in all of these programs is free. However, the verification of military service experience and service-connected wounds, injuries or illnesses is obligatory for participating in these programs (Wounded Warrior Project, n.d). For example, the wounded warriors eligible for the participation in WWP projects can be enrolled into Combat Stress Recovery Program, Transition Training Academy, Physical Health and Wellness, Soldier Ride and other programs (Wounded Warrior Project, n.d). The reported outcomes of the programmatic activities of WWP are striking. Thus, 325 families took advantages of Physical Wealth and Wellness Program, 945 warriors enrolled into Warriors to Work Program and were assisted in finding a job. Furthermore, 5929 phone and e-mail cases were resolved through the support center. Departments The executive staff of WWP includes 14 members. The organizational structure of WWP consists of 9 main departments, including the development, financial, special projects, direct response, mental health and warrior engagement, physical health and wellness, communications, government affairs, and economic empowerment departments.Advertising Looking for proposal on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As the ones responsible for the implementation process, these leaders will be an integral part of the team. They bring their practical knowledge which is invaluable creating action plans. Planning for the Plan The changing environment, both fiscal and in number of beneficiaries legible for this program leaves no doubt that WWP needs to lay firm strategies to help her maintain relevance and, remain true to its mandate. By prove of the executive boards consent and pledge of cooperation, the agency has expressed desire to conduct this exercise. The next stage will involve selection of committee members, and we shall be guided by their decision making power and importance in the implementation exercise. The plan shall encompass whole organization, and as a medium term 5year strategic plan. The module to be adopted for this project shall be vision based where we align functions relative to a shared vision. Given the success enjoyed by WWP thus far, the concurrent approach to implementati on suffices. By maintaining most of what already works, WWP should use the good working relationship of employees to draw up the plan ((Bryson, 2004a). The committees mandate shall be to draw up a schedule for the strategic plan development. This schedule will show who will be involved, when and how and putting to consideration their authority, role, knowledge. It will ensure stakeholder as well as a champion of the process. The committee shall also set forth the materials needed as well as terms and titles to be used (Clolery, 2011). The schedule spells out when and how the planners will be trained to ensure better understanding of process. The membership and participation will be arranged in such a way as to have ‘buy in’ by direct involvement of key implementers and stakeholders. To ensure implementation we will develop smart goals, action plans, and institute monitoring and evaluation measures while leaving a provision for enactment of new changes to the plan as may be deemed necessary (Poister, 2003). Stakeholder Analysis The stakeholder audit for the Wounded Warrior Project requires mapping the universe of various stakeholders, defining who they are, how they can affect the organization and performance of this nonprofit agency and how they relate to the agency. Applying the power vs. interest grid to the analysis of the stakeholder universe and the roles performed, depending upon the extent of their power and interest, the main groups can be divided into four main categories, including subjects with high interest but low power, players with high power and high interest, context setters with high power but low interest and crowd characterized with low power and low interest. WWP must strive to consult, listen to and empower all these stakeholders (Bryson, 2004b). The first category has wounded veterans and their families, the employees of the agency and the private contractors providing certain services to the agency which are characterized w ith high interest in the effective performance of the organization and fulfillment of its mission. The second subgroup of players would include the senior management of the organization. The category of the context setters encompasses all individuals, firms and corporations making donations, government bodies, and policymakers responsible for the regulation of the nonprofit sector. Finally, the fourth group of the crowd would include the general public which has low interest and low power but still is affected by the performance of the agency that is aimed at creating public value. The Revelation from SWOC Analysis Conducting a SWOC analysis for WWP, helps identify internal strengths and weaknesses it possesses and external opportunities and challenges it faces as it embarks on a strategic planning process. This sets the primary data or skeleton upon which the strategic plan is developed. Strengths This looks at WWP agency does well. Includes the unique assets or resources it can dr aw from to take advantages of external opportunities or overcome challenges and describes its unique competencies. The WWP successfully empowers veterans who received service-connected wounds during or later September 11, 2001. Its distinctive competencies include psychological and social support of wounded warriors and their families through engaging them into specialized programs and employing them. WWP could benefit from current legislation supporting the rights of veterans, including those warriors who have service-connected disability, such as the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2011). Weaknesses Weaknesses demonstrate where WWP has fewer assets or resources than others and would be target for areas of improvement. One of the weaknesses of WWP is its policy declining government funding. As a non-profit donation based organization, WWP does no t accept government money not to compromise its independence from government’s money (Wounded Warrior Project, 2010). As a result, when $ 3.2 million was allocated to WWP in 2011, the non-profit organization declined these funds (Dixon, 2011). This decision was compliant with one of the principles adopted by this organization but was not in the best interests of the community of wounded veterans to whom the organization serves. Opportunities This looks at changes taking place in the external environment that the organization could take advantage of. It includes an assessment of political, economic, social, technological, demographic, or legal trends might present opportunities for WWP. The WWP might take advantage of the growing concerns of the population over the destinies of the wounded warriors. As to the changes taking place in the technological domain, the organization might use the innovative methods of e-marketing for popularizing its programs and attracting new donati ons, volunteers and wounded veterans. In addition, the organization can use social networks to attract attention of wider audiences. This might reduce the advertising costs and increase the effectiveness of the strategies at the same time. Challenges This looks at the changes taking place in the external environment that the agency should guard against, or prepare for, to avoid disruption of their activities. The may be political, economic, social, technological, demographic, or legal trends that might present obstacles to WWP achieving her mission. The organization should be prepared for the growing number of veterans because more volunteers want to join the Army after the events of September 11, 2001 (Wounded Warrior Project, n.d.; Holder, 2007). Furthermore, the global economic crisis can have a negative impact upon the willingness of individuals and organizations to make donations. The firms are frequently forced to cut their staff. This also may have a negative impact upon the employment options for the wounded veterans. The Strategic Issues The stakeholder analysis gives a clear indication of the relative importance of these organizations in influencing the outcome of any plans WWP, would want to take. As a result, the first and second category of stakeholders will be considered from the beginning as mentioned above. The SWOC analysis has revealed the areas of opportunity that if given enough consideration will result in the organization being able to achieve its original mandate and adopt effectively to tackle the arising challenges. Goal 1: Improve decision making and effectiveness of the WWP financing program Strategy 1: Funding is a major issue facing WWP and given the foreseeable elements listed above, this issue needs to be addressed amicably. The first step is to engage stakeholders on revising the policy on non acceptance of government funds. This may be followed by an enactment of strict accounting procedures to restore stakeholder confidence in government fund utilization. In the same vein, both internal, and external auditors will be engaged to facilitate the process. Books of account would be reviewed semi-annually and reports published in reputable journal. Strategy 2: By employing qualified staff and empowering them as WWP has done before, staff which is one of the most valuable assets of this organization would be able to develop effective strategies for facing the challenges in the external environment. Goal 2: Support for more veteran soldiers and their families Strategy 1: The organization strengths intersect with the opportunities in the external environment in the new opportunities for advertising the programs for the wounded warriors and raising the community awareness on the activities of this nonprofit organization. By discussing the noble goals of this organization on various websites and social networks, WWP would b able to attract new donations. Strategy 2: The agency will have a continuous surveilla nce mechanism which gives monthly reports on the traffic to the sites and releasing trends for quarterly reviews for prompt improvement. Goal 3: Implementation of the organizations core values Strategy 1: The flexibility of WWP management and the core values adopted by this organization can be used for converting the challenges into opportunities. Taking into account the fact that WWP is recognized as one of the best employers in nonprofit sector, it can be stated that it can attract talented employees. Strategy 2: The organization needs to employ an international benchmark for analysis and reporting its performance. This is a tool that will effectively demonstrate the organizations commitment to the veterans it serves and market WWP as an organization worth the support. Use of Balanced score card as a tool for monitoring the success of the implementation strategies will be effected. This method suggests indicators of performance in all sectors and notes the degree of achievem ent for review and hence prompt action. Goal 4: Increasing the number of corporate sponsors and the amount of donations Strategy 1: The WWP will strive to improve their visibility through media outlets. The new social media on the Internet is a plat form that if well targeted shall improve awareness and improve people’s participation. So far the success of the agency’s program has showed a great need among organizations to encourage sponsorship. At the same time, by attracting advertisements from organizations to attract funds will be most appropriate. Strategy 2: The programs of WWP are structured in a unique way to nurture the mind and body of the wounded veterans and foster their economic empowerment and social engagement. The most experience will be used by this organization to ensure that all the participants not only enjoy the program, but also proactively help open more activities to cater for all their needs. Goal 5: Improve the participation of famili es participating in the programs by at least 30% over the next five years Strategy 1: Improve support for the Physical Wealth and Wellness Program from the current, 325 by 30%, through improved. At the same time, increase number of families taking part in the Warriors to Work program families from the current 945 warriors enrolled into Program and while improving the number of those assisted to find jobs by the same margin over the period. Strategy 2: Increase the service staff effectiveness in handling of phone and email cases by enhancing the capacity of the support center to handle the increased demand. The plan shall include an operation plan, a monitoring and evaluation schedule and a statement explaining the process of effecting any change arising from the implementation process. The action plan shall define all the roles and responsibilities over the mentioned period including a time frame for implementation of each of the strategies. Alternative Visions for the Future Given the magnitude help WWP offers to her war veteran clients, it demands a long term vision to ensure sustainability as well as satisfactory implementation of the programs they set to achieve. First, WWP should look at establishing an endowment and revolving funds that may be lent to her members to do business and refund at very low interest. Second, WWP need to set up collaboration with organizations that may create an academy for handling of the needs of the veterans and their families. Last, WWP should engage the international community in drawing policies that will minimize war options as this will decrease the number of those affected and ensure high treatment to the few who must go through war. Conclusion Given the enormous task that the implementation of the strategic plan entails, a team leader for the program will be identified. He shall help with advice on continuous implementation while his or her office shall provide the needed support throughout the process. With this five year strategic plan, WWP has a goal and a way to achieve those goals. With the proper implementation, the agency can be sure to build on their good reputation to cater best for their clientele and their stakeholder interests. This is the first step in ensuring proper stakeholder involvement that also gives a clear framework for corporation including mechanisms for conflict resolution. References Bryson, J. (2004a). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A Guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bryson, J. (2004b). What to do when stakeholders matter: Stakeholder identification and analysis techniques. Public Management Review, 6(1), 21-53. Clolery, P. (2011). 50 best nonprofits to work for in 2011. The NonProfit Times, 17–23. Web. Dixon, M. (2011). Wounded Warrior Project turns down $ 3.2 million from Florida. The Florida Times Union. Web. Holder, K. (2007). Comparison of ACS and ASEC da ta on veteran status and period of military service: 2007. Web. Poister, T. (2003). Measuring performance in public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2011). Veterans with service- connected disabilities in the workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Web. Wounded Warrior Project. (n.d.). Who we serve. Web.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighterâ€World War II
Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter- World War II Most people hear the word Mitsubishi and think automobiles. But the company was actually established as a shipping firm in 1870 in Osaka Japan, and it quickly diversified. One of its businesses, Mitsubishi Aircraft Company, founded in 1928, would go on to build lethal fighter planes for the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. One of those planes was the A6M Zero Fighter. Design Development The design of the A6M Zero began in May 1937, shortly after the introduction of the Mitsubishi A5M fighter. The Imperial Japanese Army had commissioned Mitsubishi and Nakajima both to build the planes, and the two companies began preliminary design work on a new carrier-based fighter while waiting to receive the final requirements for the aircraft from the army. These were issued in October and were based upon the A5Ms performance in the ongoing Sino-Japanese conflicts. The final specifications called for the aircraft to possess two 7.7 mm machine guns, as well as two 20 mm cannon. In addition, each airplane was to have a radio direction finder for navigation and a full radio set. For performance, the Imperial Japanese Navy required that the new design be capable of 310 mph at 13,000 ft. and possess an endurance of two hours at normal power and six to eight hours at cruising speed (with drop tanks). As the aircraft was to be carrier-based, its wingspan was limited to 39 ft. (12m). Stunned by the navys requirements, Nakajima pulled out of the project, believing that such an aircraft could not be designed. At Mitsubishi, the companys chief designer, Jiro Horikoshi, began toying with potential designs. After initial testing, Horikoshi determined that the Imperial Japanese Navys requirements could be met, but that the aircraft would have to be extremely light. Utilizing a new, top-secret aluminum, T-7178, he created an aircraft that sacrificed protection in favor of weight and speed. As a result, the new design lacked armor to protect the pilot, as well as the self-sealing fuel tanks that were becoming standard on military aircraft. Possessing retractable landing gear and a low-wing monoplane design, the new A6M was one of the most modern fighters in the world when it completed testing. Specifications Entering service in 1940, the A6M became known as the Zero based on its official designation of Type 0 Carrier Fighter. A quick and nimble aircraft, it was a few inches under 30 feet in length, with a wingspan of 39.5 feet, and a height of 10 feet. Other than its armaments, it held only one crew member, the pilot, who was the sole operator of the 2 Ãâ€" 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Type 97 machine gun. It was outfitted with two 66-lb. and one 132-lb. combat-style bombs, and two fixed 550-lb. Kamikaze-style bombs. It had a range of 1,929 miles, a maximum speed of 331 mph, and could fly as high as 33,000 feet. Operational History In early 1940, the first A6M2, Model 11 Zeros arrived in China and quickly proved themselves as the best fighter in the conflict. Fitted with a 950 hp Nakajima Sakae 12 engine, the Zero swept Chinese opposition from the skies. With the new engine, the aircraft exceeded its design specifications and a new version with folding wingtips, the A6M2, Model 21, was pushed into production for carrier use. For much of World War II, the Model 21 was the version of the Zero that was encountered by Allied aviators. A superior dogfighter than the early Allied fighters, the Zero was able to out-maneuver its opposition. To combat this, Allied pilots developed specific tactics for dealing with the aircraft. These included the Thach Weave, which required two Allied pilots working in tandem, and the Boom-and-Zoom, which saw Allied pilots fighting on the dive or climb. In both cases, the Allies benefited from the Zeros complete lack of protection, as a single burst of fire was generally enough to down the aircraft. This contrasted with Allied fighters, such as the P-40 Warhawk and F4F Wildcat, which, though less maneuverable, were extremely rugged and difficult to bring down. Nevertheless, the Zero was responsible for destroying at least 1,550 American aircraft between 1941 and 1945. Never substantially updated or replaced, the Zero remained the Imperial Japanese Navys primary fighter throughout the war. With the arrival of new Allied fighters, such as the F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair, the Zero was quickly eclipsed. Faced with superior opposition and a dwindling supply of trained pilots, the Zero saw its kill ratio drop from 1:1 to over 1:10. During the course of the war, over 11,000 A6M Zeros were produced. While Japan was the only nation to employ the aircraft on a large scale, several captured Zeros were used by the newly-proclaimed Republic of Indonesia during the Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949).
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Drug Exposed Infants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Drug Exposed Infants - Essay Example Mothers should be prevented, through education, from using drugs while pregnant. As a result of the illicit drug use, the children require intense monitoring by their pediatrician. Women who use cocaine while pregnant -- especially those who are likely to get noticed as addicts or be tested for drugs in the hospital -- tend also to drink more booze, smoke more cigarettes, and dip into a greater variety of illicit drugs than other women. Cocaine is not truly associated with any pattern of defects. Nor does it produce infantile withdrawal, like opiates. Today there is something approaching scientific consensus that cocaine increases the risk of low birth weight and perhaps premature delivery. Left unmonitored and untreated, the babies, as shown by studies have long term developmental delays. This article explains to any reader that there are serious ramifications with illicit drug ingestion during pregnancy. Moreover, it explains that the child is severely damaged and begins life at a tremendous disadvantage. It explains the mental, social, educational, physical and legal implications of this behavior on the child. It is important for doctors and their employees to learn about in utero drug use from a suspected mother because the babies need treatment. The key is to question them in a manner that is non threatening and non judgmental. The mothers will already feel guilt or fear about legal consequences. Toxicology testing alone will not provide all of the information needed. Above all, pediatricians must be able to identify babies that have been exposed to neo natal drug use. 3.) What are the ramifications if the problem is not addressed If the problem is not addressed, there will be an outbreak of drug addicted babies. Some of the defects these babies suffer remain undiscovered. The failure to teach the mothers the dangers of drug use to their babies is sure to create repeat behavior. Moreover, there is a strong likelihood of the children being exposed to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. This is a pattern that will continue to repeat itself. Forced intervention, according to the academy will not work. Mothers will not seek help for themselves or their babies if there is the threat of jail. The academy feels that the only intervention that will be effective is education. 5) What are the tangible benefits of resolving the problem The tangible benefits of course, are healthy mothers and children. The educated parents can not only help their babies, but teach them the importance of maintaining a drug free life. In short, a positive cycle is created instead of the negative one discussed in the article. There will not be an overflow in an already taxed foster care system. There will not be criminal charges, and separation of mothers and their children which is often the result of Child Protective Services Interventions, without the needed support. 4) Describe and evaluate any solutions provided in the article. The article mentioned several ways to educate mothers suspected of taking illicit drugs. The article encourages pediatric employees to take a social work approach in informing the community about the dangers of
Respond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Respond - Essay Example In her responses to the questions asked in the quiz, the writer makes it clear that those around her are very (if not the most) important people her line of work. In her previous experience she worked with someone whose communication skills were wanting and she doesn’t want a repeat of the same with both her superiors and colleagues at work. She is also honest with herself and admits that patience is a skill that she will need to develop farther as she seeks to improve herself and become a more effective communicator. She is proud of the communication skills she developed as a student in college and looks forward to using them in resolving conflicts at work. The writer is honest with herself and admits that she lacks the confidence to speak in front of people. This stems from her lack of confidence in her abilities and probably the fear of making mistakes. Not all is lost, however. Teaching has made her confidence grow day by day. Rightly so, she is optimistic that the progress will lead to better careers opportunities for her in future, as long as the progress and growth continues
Friday, October 18, 2019
On the Control People Have Over Their Behavior, Emotions, and Thoughts Essay
On the Control People Have Over Their Behavior, Emotions, and Thoughts - Essay Example If he is in control, just how much control does he have over these aspects of himself? This paper takes the position that we do not know what we are doing in most situations. We are not in control (Armstrong 22-38; Thurman 460-473; Stout 381-398). It is interesting how the different authors portray man. In a way their portrayal also defines what it means for man to be free, and just how free he is in reality. Armstrong, for one, notes that man is not totally free to be anything, because he is hardwired to look for God. He is a religious being as much as he is descended from apes and has that particular anatomy. There in that vision of man there seems to be already a defining and a limiting of what man can be. He is not free to be anything he wants to be. He must by his very nature act, think and feel in accordance with his wiring. That wiring includes looking for God. Thurman also seems to think the same way, in a sense. He says that in essence the ego or the individual is not in con trol of himself, because the ego is always in flux. He is a bundle of passing thoughts, feelings, and actions. Stout seems to say the same thing, in the language of trauma and the human brain. She is saying that trauma, for instance, can affect the way people perceive the world. Trauma changes the way the brain is wired. It is so that people are not in control of the way they react to things that remind them of traumatic events (Armstrong 22-38; Thurman 460-473; Stout 381-398). Discussion Reading Stout, for instance, we come face to face with just how vulnerable man is to trauma. Trauma can reshape the brain itself. With the brain reshaped, a person’s thoughts and feelings are affected. Of course with the thoughts affected and changed in profound ways, actions are likewise reshaped and affected. We see that man can be so affected by trauma as to be unaware that he is acting out of reason, for instance. It can be also that man can be unaware that he is acting out of a reaction to a past traumatic event. How much control does man have in this instance? Obviously man is not much in control. To be aware means to know that one’s actions are coming from a deep-rooted fear. People who experienced trauma sometimes do not know that. They are unconscious of the effect that fear and memory have on their feelings, thoughts and actions: â€Å" †¦ nor do we comprehend how swampy and vitality-sucking some of our memories really are†¦in the course of a lifetime such â€Å"protective†mental reactions acquire tremendous habit strength†(Stout 384).Stout’s point is that there is much in man that he is not even aware of. Those things that he is not aware of largely control him. Those things affect how he feels and how he thinks. Those things affect how he reacts to the world and to his life as that life unfolds. So to the question of whether man knows what he is doing in most situations, it seems the answer from Stout is no. I agree. An ordinary man cannot know what all of his hidden fears are. Sometimes even when he thinks he knows he does not really know why he acts the way he does. Sometimes I feel sad for no reason at all, after hearing an old song, for instance. It may be that deep in my memory there is something about the song that I associate with something sad or unpleasant. It may be even something that I was afraid of at some point that I associate with the song. It may be something traumatic that I cannot fully understand. Armstrong has a
Multiple Intelligences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Multiple Intelligences - Essay Example Multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner have a great impact on education process explaining the ways of thinking, problem-solving and logic. Typically these skills cross the disciplines and include such things as communication, collaboration, information management, and higher-order thinking skills such as problem solving. These types of outcomes cannot be measured by written tests; they require performance measurement. Educators who assess by performance believe that being able "to do" is parallel to saying that a student has really learned something, rather than simply memorized it. The impact and role of intelligences in education was widely discussed in the literature during 1980s. The first attempts to define and explain this process made by Alfred Binet (1900) who tried to create a measure to predict which youngsters would do well in the primary grades of Parisian schools (Kagan and Kagan 1998). In the mid-1980s, Howard Gardner challenged the belief that IQ was fixed with his work at Harvard University, which was explained in his book Frames of the Mind (1985). He hoped to see society move from testing people to growing people, by focusing on the diverse ways people develop skills important to their lives. He redefined intelligence as the ability to solve problems and fashion products that are valued in a culture or community. His research showed intelligence as more complex, more diverse, and less fixed than originally thought. Garner (1985, 1997) and Sternberg (1985) have argued for specific, multiple domains of intelligence. Today, intelligence is being more broadly conceptualized and defined (Kagan and Kagan 1998). At the beginning of the 21st century, researchers applied Gardner's Theory to instructional technology and distance-based education, to different learning strategies and learning environments. For instance, Milheim and Osciak (2001) examine advantages and benefits of multiple intelligences within online learning environment and come to conclusion that it "can provide multiple avenues for learning based on an individual's preferred style regardless of the discipline or the geographic dispersion of the intended learners" (4). Another layer of literature examines practical application of multiple intelligences in different fields including leadership and employees training, physical education and gifted children. For instance, Kernodle and Mitchell (2004) analyze the benefits of multiple intelligences in teaching tennis at the secondary level or in a college. They find that "offering a variety of activities that enhance different intelligences also helps students who are weak in certain intelligences by giving them the opportunity to improve themselves in those areas" (32). Some researchers examine the role of multiple intelligences in development of gifted and talented children (Fasko 2001); identify sex difference in learning process and perception in children (Furnham and Ward 2001). They find that the role of the teacher is acknowledged in this perspective but only in the context of co-constructing meaning for content and skills. Thus, Kagan and Kagan (1998) admit that this is still the realm of procedural thinking. The
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Why does the Chinese Government publicly denounce Falun Gong Research Paper
Why does the Chinese Government publicly denounce Falun Gong - Research Paper Example This paper will examine the movement, how the government is cracking down on it, and why the government is cracking down on it. Explanation of the Falun Gong According to Zhao (2003), the Falun Gong movement is an outgrowth of the Chinese practice of qi, which harmonizes physical and spiritual health. What this means is that the adherents to the movement attempt to align their qi, through stretching and meditation, and this balances the energy in the body. These exercises, which balance the energy in the body are accompanied in the Falun Gong religion with moral and spiritual commitments. This is contrast to the Western vision, which keeps religion and physical exercise separate. The religious aspect of Falun Gong encompasses Taoist and Buddhist beliefs. This was the basis for the movement, but it was developed by Li Hongzhi in the late 1980s, and it went public in 1992 (Penny, 2003). This is all not unusual, in that the ancient Chinese have always believed in balancing energies and in Buddhist and Taoist beliefs. However, the Falun Gong goes a step further, according to Zhao (2003), in that this religion also has supernatural beliefs. For instance, they believe that there are supernatural ways of curing diseases, that people can levitate, and that people can be clairvoyant through their â€Å"third eye.†... Moreover, as the society becomes increasingly isolated, Falun Gong has been helpful in that it has brought people together, as through the physical exercises performed by Falun Gong members. The physical exercise itself is also good for the Falun Gong followers, as the state-run healthcare has been collapsing since the early 1990s, which means that health care has become increasingly unaffordable to the masses. Keeping healthy is therefore a priority, and Falun Gong, with its emphasis on physical exercise and qi balancing meets this need. The movement became very popular, with millions practicing it, and Chan (2004), gives some reasons why this is. Chan (2004) regards the Falun Gong as coming under the rubric of a New Religious Movement (NRM), which is marked by obedience to a central figure who claims to have all the spiritual answers desired by the followers. The central figure is seen by the followers as being privy to sacred power. Chan (2004) thus begins his analysis with other NRMs, which have sprung up, all over the world, partially as a response to modernity’s spiritual vacuums and moral disturbances. The political and economic institutions have failed to solve the people’s problems, states Chan (2004), so the people turn to religious salvation for help. Chan (2004) then extrapolates this scenario to China. Specifically, Chan (2004) states that China was experiencing, at the time that the Falun Gong attained popularity, impressive economic growth that also led to unresolved social problems. This was because, although the country was becoming wealthier, the people were not. Unemployment was high, and the state industries were collapsing, which was causing more people to fall below the poverty line. Income inequality became more pronounced
Electro-Magnetic Wave Propagation for the course Propagation and Research Paper
Electro-Magnetic Wave Propagation for the course Propagation and Antennas - Research Paper Example This paper discuss the properties of waves during propagation. I. Introduction Electromagnetic radiation otherwise abbreviated as EMR refers to forms of energy which are produced by oscillating magnetic and electric disturbances or by movement of electrically charged particles travelling through matter or a vacuum [1]. Electromagnetic Radiation is in the forms of waves. These waves include: Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, X- rays and Gamma-rays [1]. The magnetic and electric fields resulting in the electromagnetic waves interact by coming together at right angles to each other and these combined waves move perpendicular to both electric and magnetic oscillating fields and as a result, the disturbance is caused [2]. The resulting electron radiation is released in bundles of light energy which travel at a speed of 299 792 458 m / s, equivalent to the speed of light, as quantized harmonic waves. These electromagnetic waves are grouped according to their wavelength and these res ults in the electromagnetic spectrum [3]. The resultant magnetic and electric waves move perpendicularly to each other having certain characteristics which are Amplitude, frequency and wavelength [2]. From the origin of the electromagnetic wave, it is propagated outwards in all directions however depending on the type of medium in which it is travelling [2]. For instance if its air, the wave spreads out in a uniform manner in all directions in the medium [4]. After the wave has moved far from its origin, the wave is considered to have spread enough and it appears as though it has it has the same amplitude everywhere which is perpendicular to its direction of flow [4]. And this results in a plane wave. The electromagnetic wave’s speed is equivalent to light speed in a vacuum. When the waves travel in other medium such as water air, and glass, the speed is slower as compared to that in a vacuum [4]. Characteristics of these electromagnetic waves during propagation include; II. Interference This is the process in which two waves superposes to form one resultant wave. For interference to occur, the source of the waves must be coherent [5]. If two electromagnetic waves having the same frequency get together i.e. they superpose, it results into a wave which has the resultant magnetic and electric field strength equal to the sum of fields of the two waves [5]. When two strong waves moving that have their fields moving in one direction, i.e. same direction in time and space, the resulting waveform is twice that of each individual waveform. This results in constructive interference. However, the superposition of a wave having an electric field in one direction in space and with another electromagnetic radiation wave which has the same frequency but with an electric field in the opposite direction in space and time results in cancellation and a result, there is no formation of a waveform [6]. This implies that the two waves are not in phase. The resultant effect is termed as destructive interference. In summary, superposition of wave’s results in destructive, constructive or partial interference considering the magnitude of the waves being superposed [1]. III. Reflection During the transit of electromagnetic wave from one medium into another, and the two media having different refractive index, the speed of the wave changes the transmitted is made to change
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Why does the Chinese Government publicly denounce Falun Gong Research Paper
Why does the Chinese Government publicly denounce Falun Gong - Research Paper Example This paper will examine the movement, how the government is cracking down on it, and why the government is cracking down on it. Explanation of the Falun Gong According to Zhao (2003), the Falun Gong movement is an outgrowth of the Chinese practice of qi, which harmonizes physical and spiritual health. What this means is that the adherents to the movement attempt to align their qi, through stretching and meditation, and this balances the energy in the body. These exercises, which balance the energy in the body are accompanied in the Falun Gong religion with moral and spiritual commitments. This is contrast to the Western vision, which keeps religion and physical exercise separate. The religious aspect of Falun Gong encompasses Taoist and Buddhist beliefs. This was the basis for the movement, but it was developed by Li Hongzhi in the late 1980s, and it went public in 1992 (Penny, 2003). This is all not unusual, in that the ancient Chinese have always believed in balancing energies and in Buddhist and Taoist beliefs. However, the Falun Gong goes a step further, according to Zhao (2003), in that this religion also has supernatural beliefs. For instance, they believe that there are supernatural ways of curing diseases, that people can levitate, and that people can be clairvoyant through their â€Å"third eye.†... Moreover, as the society becomes increasingly isolated, Falun Gong has been helpful in that it has brought people together, as through the physical exercises performed by Falun Gong members. The physical exercise itself is also good for the Falun Gong followers, as the state-run healthcare has been collapsing since the early 1990s, which means that health care has become increasingly unaffordable to the masses. Keeping healthy is therefore a priority, and Falun Gong, with its emphasis on physical exercise and qi balancing meets this need. The movement became very popular, with millions practicing it, and Chan (2004), gives some reasons why this is. Chan (2004) regards the Falun Gong as coming under the rubric of a New Religious Movement (NRM), which is marked by obedience to a central figure who claims to have all the spiritual answers desired by the followers. The central figure is seen by the followers as being privy to sacred power. Chan (2004) thus begins his analysis with other NRMs, which have sprung up, all over the world, partially as a response to modernity’s spiritual vacuums and moral disturbances. The political and economic institutions have failed to solve the people’s problems, states Chan (2004), so the people turn to religious salvation for help. Chan (2004) then extrapolates this scenario to China. Specifically, Chan (2004) states that China was experiencing, at the time that the Falun Gong attained popularity, impressive economic growth that also led to unresolved social problems. This was because, although the country was becoming wealthier, the people were not. Unemployment was high, and the state industries were collapsing, which was causing more people to fall below the poverty line. Income inequality became more pronounced
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Foodmaster company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Foodmaster company - Case Study Example At present, the company has 4 factories, 16 retail branches and two dairy farms across the country. Moreover, the FoodMaster factories have the capacity to process more than 100 tons of dairy products daily at present. Initially, the company was interested in the manufacturing of yoghurt alone; however the company is currently manufacturing many other dairy products such as Kefir (a healthy dairy drink), Lapped Milk BIO-C Immun+ (a sweet vanilla flavored or fruit jam lapped milk), Dolce Yoghurt Drink (a gentle creamy drinking yoghurt made from milk of the highest quality, with large cantles of natural juicy fruit), Lactel Milk with Vitamin D (a milk RANGE with vitamin D) and Nenny Yogurt Drink (a drink made from the milk of the highest quality with a wide range of fruit supplements). Arethe yogurt, the sour cream, the home curd, Dolce yogurts and Bio-C Immune+ curdled milk are extremely popular among the people of Kazakhstan (FoodMaster, N.d.). The company has the habit of updating and diversifying its product ranges every year, based on the changing trends among the consumers. It should be noted that consumers are always look out for new tastes and flavors. FoodMaster Company knows this fact very well and has developed more than 100 popular dairy products as of now. Some of the major landmarks of FoodMaster Company’s history are given below. One of the major success factors of FoodMaster Company is its commitments to the corporate social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainable development. The company’s vision is to provide dairy products with natural ingredients to the people of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that many other prominent dairy companies in other parts of the world are using artificial ingredients to stretch the life of dairy products as much as possible. The company is giving more importance to the health and safety of the people rather than the profitability
Monday, October 14, 2019
Body, Wellness, and Stress Essay Example for Free
Body, Wellness, and Stress Essay In recent times, the media had been one of the most common sources of the images that we have in our minds. This social institution had been actively presenting what is right and what is wrong in terms of the physical images of our body. In some way, media have posted the criteria in which the society follows of what is beautiful and what is ugly. A few years back, the media had been starting to post awareness of the body that each of us have. An awareness of how to take care of the body had been one of the few steps in which they took in order for the media to present its viewers what is right about body image. Although the media had been continuously influencing the society of what must be right and what is wrong, it is still an individual’s decision if he or she must change his body or not. The concept of body image is a vague definition in which even practitioners and scientists do not exactly know particular ideas connected to it because it could encompass many conceptions. It is stated in the book â€Å"Body Image†written by Thomas Cash and Thomas Pruzinsky, â€Å"Despite its long history, the concept of body image has remained rather elusive, in part because it has meant different things to different scientists and practitioner. (Cash and Pruzinsky p. 7, 2004). The definition of body image could be under the concepts of â€Å"weight satisfaction, size perception accuracy, body satisfaction, appearance satisfaction, appearance evaluation, appearance orientation, body esteem, body concern, body dysphoria, body dsymphoria, body schema, body percept, body distortion, body image, body image disturbance, and body image disorder†( Cash and Pruzinsky, p. 7, 2004). With these concepts given, body image is a theory that is related to psychological and personal point of view of an individual about his or her self. With such vast branches of body image, this gives individuals few responsibilities in order for the body to have proper caring. When body image come into my mind, the concept of weight and the image portrayed by an individual becomes the most significant thoughts that I see. The responsibility of a person with his or her body is very important in order to maintain body image. Every person must take responsibility of their personal health due to some reasons. One of the few reasons that these people set are the physical image they portray to the society. Having a good physical body would surely create an image in which people would see as healthy. Having the exact and proportionate body would present people that and individual is taking good care of his or her body. He or she maybe assumed to have proper exercise and exact food in take in which allows him or her to have a fit body. However, it must be understood that every person has a different body type and not only those are thin and fit are healthy but also those people that do not have illness and exudes a bright aura. Most people become a victim of their body. In terms of eating, people became slaves of food which therefore ruins the physical body that we have. Having too much food intake is one of the most common things problems of the society. The excessive consumption of food had been one of the leading causes of obesity in the United States however; this issue is not only caused by excessive food intake but could also be caused by stress and issues. In some studies shown, people who are obese often have issues which could cause their excessive food intake. One very good example of this issue was Oprah Winfrey. The famous television host was very blunt about her weight gain and weight lost. She have admitted to the public that her weight was caused by some issues and for her to pacify her emotions, food became her way to cope which then lead to the drastic changes she had in her body. Currently, she has been one of the popular Hollywood personalities in which advocates healthy living and correct body image. (Garson, 2004) Stress is one of the major causes of individuals why they forget themselves in terms their health. The fast paced life people have been the reasons of the stress related sickness in which could lead to dangerous or deadly diseases. Although it is not known to many, stress could be one of the major causes of various diseases. Emotional stress could lead to simple headache, colds and fever if the problem had really caused emotional trouble. Not being able to have time management skill would only cause many stress problems. Time if not managed well could lead to many consequences such as sickness, lost of social life and being emotionally apart with family. Not being able to do the tasks set for the day only leads to unfinished office work of activities. Things that could be done today should be able to be done immediately because upon doing so, this will lead for an individual would be able to have free time for him or her self and also for their family. I personally had experienced this type of stress at work. I was seriously working until the dead hours of the night and only had a few sleep. I was stress by the deadlines I had to do but still I need to sleep and eat nutritious food. But then, I had a difficult time managing my time so after a few weeks I became sick. Instead of me doing my deadline in the right time, all of it was moved because of the stress I had. I was not able to work for days which lead to overflowing work that needed to do when I went back to work. After that experience, I thought that I must be able to manage my time thus making more time for myself and my health. It is not good that I become used to being stressed. I personally do not like being sick because somehow it makes a person helpless and useless at the same time. I am young and I do not think that my body is one of the problems which I could encounter. Now I have realized that being young is not a reason for me to not take care of my own body but this moment should be something that would encourage me to take care of my body not only physically but emotionally and mentally. A book inspired me and stated that, â€Å"Decide how you spend your time. Don’t let other people, circumstances or habit decide for you†(Cook, p. 1, 1999). In conclusion, everyone must learn how to take care of the body. It is not only through physical healthy but also in emotional and psychological health. However an individual emotionally feels, these will be evident within the body. It is either he or she will acquire sickness which could be immediately resolved could cause harsh effects to the body. One of the ways to cope stress is to properly manage the time that we have everyday. If needed, an individual must learn from self help books in order to learn some tips to lead them to a better time management skill. However even if an individual is very enthusiastic in learning to manage his or her time, all the issues that he or she personally have must first be resolved. It is not enough for an individual to just pacify one issue in his or her life. In order to have a good body image the soul, the mind and the body must first be together and united. With such, a person could attain peace and contentment. Body image is not only a concept that we must attained physically but also in other perceptions. It is not enough that the society sees an individual as beautiful and healthy but it must how the individual sees him or her self. Having a healthy body is a gift for every human being therefore; it must be taken good care.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The War On Drugs | History
The War On Drugs | History Throughout history drugs have been nothing but a social problem, virtually a burden. Some of the most famous and influential people have been known to abuse drugs. Such individuals are Edgar Allen Poe who smoked opium in an attempt to make his poetry more creative, and musician Ray Charles, arrested in 1964 on drug charges. (Erowid) A rise in drug use began around the time when American soldiers came back home from the Vietnam War addicted to heroin. At that time, drugs were only being used by small group of people, and they were simply looked down upon. It was not until the late nineteen sixties when recreational drug use became fashionable among young, white, middle class American citizens that the United States Government put its foot down. (PBS) They started slowly, developing agencies like the (BNDD) Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, which was founded in 1968 by the Linden Johnson administration. Congress also started passing laws like the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevent ion and Control Act in 1970. It was not until June 17, 1971 when the war really started. At a press conference in the White House, President Richard Nixon officially declared war on drugs. He stated, Drug abuse is public enemy, number one in the United States. He also announced the creation of the (SAODAP) Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. Three years later on August 9, 1974, President Nixon resigned, but not before founding one the greatest assets for the war on drugs, the (DEA) Drug Enforcement Agency. Established in July of 1973, this super agency (PBS) consisted of agents from the CIA, Customs and ODALE. This agency was designed to handle all aspects of the drug problem in America and would be headed by Myles Ambrose. Throughout the first years of the program the DEA established their main focus; to stop the flow of marijuana from Mexico to America. Around the mid-seventies the enemy face began to change, the enemy was now cocaine and it was coming from the country of Colombia. On November 22, 1975 the Colombian police seized over 600 kilos of cocaine from a small plane at the Cali (Colombia) Airport. The plane was believed to be headed to Miami, Florida. The amount of cocaine that was seized that day was the largest cocaine bust to date. (PBS) The DEA, along with other agencies, are still fighting cocaine and many other drugs to this day. One of the reasons the war on drugs is lasting so long is because of the cost; the war on drugs is a very expense war. In the past, the government has spent around 10 billion dollars a year, this year alone (2011) over $14,000,000,000 is how much the federal government has spent on this seemingly, never-ending war. (Drug Sense) At this rate the cost per second will be over $600 per second by the end of the year! The reason the cost is so high is because there are so many different agencies and programs that need financial aid. Programs such as D.A.R.E and the Just Say No anti-drug campaign are some of the programs that such money is spent on. The Just Say No campaign was founded by Nancy Reagan in 1984 and was the centerpiece of the Reagan Administrations anti-drug campaign. (Wikipedia) The campaign mainly consisted of TV commercials and public advertisements, to keep kids from trying drugs. When the war on drugs first began to take shape in the early seventies, the government wanted to know where the illicit substances were coming from. In the beginning the answer was simply Mexico, they had previously imported in all of the marijuana in the sixties. The simple mom and pop cartels (small businesses) would grow the marijuana in their own backyard and smuggle it over the border into southern Texas. This and much larger operations are known as the Trafficking of drugs. (Wikipedia) After a few years of smuggling, the government caught on, so customs started cracking down on the border. This made the smugglers take to the air; they began using airplanes to get over the border. (Drug Library) The Mexican smuggling business began to slow down though, due to stricter regulations on customs and border patrol. The lack of business was also due to another factor; Americas drug of choice had changed. America now had a taste for cocaine and it was coming from the country of Colombia . Cocaine which is an extract of the cocoa bean is grown all over the country of Colombia. The country of Colombia is a nation made of poverty and corruption. Its main cash crop is coffee, but in reality its cocaine. It is speculated that in Colombia alone, there is over 150,000 hectares of coco plantations. (Transnational Institute) Colombia depends on cocaine; it is estimated 300,000 people are directly dependent on the cocaine economy. ( Thousands of people are assassinated and kidnapped every year in Colombia, due to political violence. In 1989, three of the five Colombian presidential candidates were murdered; the Medellin drug cartel was mainly responsible for these violent atrocities. Medellin is one of Colombias biggest cities; it is located in central Colombia. Throughout the early seventies to the early nineties, Medellin was the cocaine capital of the world. In fact anyone using cocaine between the late seventies, early eighties, had a high chance of using cocaine from the Medellin Cartel. They invented the market for cocaine; they were the first people to ever be that successful in selling dope. The Medellin Cartel consisted of many people, but there was one man who controlled it all, the key figure on the other end of the war on drugs, the kingpin himself Pablo Escobar El Patron. (Wikipedia) Pablo was born in the most violent of times in Colombia, La Violenica a time of civil war in that nation. Around 1965 when Escobar was just 17, he dropped out of school, and then began selling cocaine, by 1976 he was arrested, but this did not stop him. By 1982 Escobar had become so powerful that he was elected congressman on the Colombian Parliament. (Wikipedia) He also purchased one of Colombias popular professional soccer teams (Escobar was a bil lionaire). By this time in Colombia, Escobar was looked at as a sort of Robin Hood (PBS) buying mass apartment complexes for the poor to live in, the poor loved him. He was unstoppable, that was until 1989, Escobar helped coordinate a terrorist campaign that shot down an airliner out of the sky. His men shot down the plane in attempt to kill the only presidential candidate in the Colombian election. (Wikipedia) After this incident the U.S. government made Escobar a military target, and began a so-called war with Escobar. Four years later, a vigilante death squad known only has the Los Pepes secretly composed of the Colombian Search Bloc, Ex Medellin cartel members, and American DEA agents, announced they intended to attack family members, friends, associates, and assets of Pablo Escobar until he was found. (Wikipedia) On March 4, 1993 the Los Pepes killed Escobars attorney Raul Zapata. Two days later the Los Pepes killed two more of Escobars attorneys, by this time the Los Pepes wer e brutally killing five to six people a day. On July 14, 1993 Col. Hugo Martinez, head of Search Bloc, met with U.S. Army Col. John Alexander and agreed to allow a ground-based U.S. listening post in Medellin(Freedom To Exhale) Finally on December 2, 1993, Colonel Martinez and his men tracked Escobar to his three million-dollar estate. As the Search Bloc went in to arrest him, Escobar ran out on the roof and he and his bodyguard Alvaro de Jesus Agudelo, fired at the squad. Because of this, the police were forced to gun both of them down. He died from multiple gunshot wounds the day after his birthday at the age of 44. This was the deathblow to the Medellin Cartel; business would never be the same in Medellin. Another country that is highly involved in drug trafficking in America is the country of Mexico. In the past, Mexico was primarily responsible for marijuana; today Mexico is responsible for many illicit substances coming into the United States, but mainly cocaine and marijuana. Today there are many drug cartels in Mexico, but the Arellano- Felix Organization (aka Tijuana Cartel) is by far the strongest. (Wikipedia) The Arellano-Felix Organization is North Americas most violent drug trafficking cartel. Based out of Tijuana, Mexico, for over a decade they shipped tons of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines into the U.S. every year. Annual revenues are in the hundreds of millions. (DEA) The cartels strategy is to recruit Juniors; young educated upper class men with families living on both sides of the San Diego-Tijuana border, using them as their drug runners and hit men. They have single handedly killed hundreds of innocent people including the cardinal of a church in Mexico. They wer e on the FBIs ten most wanted list a couple years ago, but they are still on the loose. At the other end of the war on drugs, is treatment; treatment for the addiction to drugs. Addiction is one the most serious parts of the war on drugs, its the aftermath of having fun. (PBS) The Vietnam soldiers were some of the first people to suffer from heroin addiction. Psychiatrist Dr. Robert DuPont is a pioneer doctor in drug abuse treatment; he performed studies in Washington D.C. in 1969 of heroin addicts, and then convinced the mayor to allow him to provide methadone to the heroin addicts. This action resulted in the citys crime rate dropping. (PBS) Speaking of drug abuse addiction and treatment, the costs incurred needs mentioning. The cost of addiction can be devastating to the abusing person and the persons family. People trade in their cars, clothing, and shelter just to get a fix for their addiction. Moreover, the cost of rehabilitation is outrageous. Unless you are attending a free one, it can cost up to $1000 dollars a week. There are many public programs today for the sole purpose of keeping people clean. Programs such as Betty Ford, D.A.R.E, and many more are set up to keep people from drug abuse. In the end, the war on drugs is not a war to be won or lost; it all boils down to personal choice; to do drugs, or not to do drugs. Hopefully the choice is not to do drugs. Also, the complete ceasing of illegal drug smuggling into the United States is virtually impossible. For one, the 2,000 miles of border separating the U.S. and Mexico, as well as the coastal areas, make it tough to stop all drug trade from the south. I also suspect that government corruption on both sides of the border allow for many of these illegal substances to make their way into this nation, as it generates enormous amounts of money. After all, it is all about the money and power.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
meditation Essay -- essays research papers
Meditation is defined as a mind-body technique, which practices awareness, and induces tranquility in order to connect the mind and the body. It is also described as â€Å"mental fasting,†implying clearing and cleansing of the mind by the absence of distractions and negative emotions (Leikin, 2003). It has shown to benefit its users psychologically, physically, as well as spiritually. Meditation works by bringing about a relaxed and healthy state by physiologically and biochemically altering the body. It is characterized as a state of rest, while allowing the body to become more alert. This is accomplished through a dramatic decrease in metabolism, in turn, relaxing breathing patterns, and thus slowing activity within the nervous system. Upon completion of meditation one is more likely to show faster reactions to certain stimuli, a greater level of creativity, and a more conscious understanding and comprehension (ICBS Inc., 2004). Vast health and spiritual benefits can be ob served, as well. This paper will describe and discuss how meditation came about, the context in which it was used in the past, reasons for its use as compared to modern uses, as well as, ways in which meditating can heal the body and soul. It will also compare different forms of meditation, including; what each method entails, examples of postures to achieve each method, and results that can be achieved. Meditation was originally practiced spirituality in many ancient religions, including Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and most commonly, Buddhism. The founder of Buddhism, Siddharta Gotama became the master of the art of meditation and went on to teach it to his followers. He became known as â€Å"Buddha,†(â€Å"Enlightened or Awakened One.†) (Saunders, 2000). Buddhism is one of the world’s oldest and largest religions, starting over 2500 years ago. With Buddha as their leader (not as their God), followers learn the Four Noble Truths; First, â€Å"all existence is suffering,†secondly, â€Å"there is a cause for this suffering,†third, â€Å"the cause may be brought to an end,†and fourth, â€Å"the discipline necessary to bring it to an end is enlightenment (also known as, Buddhism)†(Saunders, 2000). Buddhists basic beliefs entail interconnectedness with everyone and everything, there is no beginning and no end (which involves the concept of reincarnation), and the law of â€Å"cause and effect,†or kharma. (Saunders, 200... From Within. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1980 Leikin, Jerrold B. American Medical Association Complete Medical Encyclopedia: Meditation. New York: Random House Reference. 2003. Leikin, Jerrold B. American Medical Association Complete Medical Encyclopedia: Transcendental Meditation. New York: Random House Reference. 2003 Lukoff, David. History of Meditation as a Clinical Intervention. 2002. Saunders, E. Dale. Encyclopedia Americana International Edition: Buddha and Buddhism. Volume 4. Connecticut: Grolier Inc. 2000. Smith, Dr. Joseph F. Medical Library: Meditation. October 13, 2004. The Institute for Applied Meditation, Inc. Heart Rhythm Practice. 2004. Trivieri, Jr., Larry. The American Holistic Medical Association Guide To Holistic Health: Healing Therapies For Optimal Wellness. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001.      White, Charles S. J. Encyclopedia Americana International Edition: Mantra. Volume 18. Connecticut: Grolier Inc. 2000. Zen Mind International. Meditation. 2004.
Friday, October 11, 2019
History of the New York Yankees
The New York Yankees are hands down the most successful franchise in professional baseball. They became the modern day goliath in every facet of the game. However, it hasn’t always been like that. The team originated in the late 1800’s in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1899, the Minneapolis team moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where they became the Baltimore Orioles. Minneapolis and Baltimore both failed to realize the behemoth that was to become the Yankees. In 1903, the team moved to New York City, and became the New York Highlanders. The New York Highlanders built a stadium at 168th and Broadway, and called it Hilltop Park.After losing their first game against Washington, they won their first home game, against the same Washington team. This is when their uniforms developed the famous pin stripes. In 1913, the team moved to the Polo Grounds and officially became the New York Yankees. The Yankees acquired many players from the Boston Red Sox because the owner of the Red Sox refused to pay high salaries. George Herman Ruth Jr. , known to sports fans as Babe Ruth was the most notable acquisition in 1919. In the 1920’s the Yankees won 3 world championships, and started their rise to worldwide fame.In 1923 the Yankees Stadium was built in the heart of the Bronx, in New York City. This stadium became the home of the Yankees from 1923 to 1973 and from 1976 to 2008 essay writer cheap. The stadium’s nickname, â€Å"The House That Ruth Built†, has the most history, from the dozens of Hall of Famers that played in the pinstripes type my essay online, to all the World Series titles. The Yankees stadium hosted 6,581 Yankees regular season home games during its 85-year history. Many baseball historians consider the 1927 Yankees team to be the best assembled of all time. In the World Series, they swept the Pittsburgh Pirates.This Yankee team is known for their feared lineup, which was nicknamed â€Å"Murderers' Row†. In the 1930’s the winning continued with Joe DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig, and they won four straight titles. From the 1940’s to the 1950’s the winning ways continued, as the Yankees won five more World Series titles. This was the era of Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, and Whitey Ford. In 1956, starting pitcher Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history. Larsen’s gem during the 1956 World Series was the first and only perfect game to occur during the postseason and World Series.The Yankees would close the decade of the 1950’s winning a total of seven World Series titles. In 1964, CBS bought the Yankees for 11. 2 million dollars. In 1973, CBS sold the Yankees to George Steinbrenner for 10 million dollars. This would go down as one of the worst deals in sports history for CBS. While the Yankees stadium was refurbished in 1974 and 1975, they played their home games in Shea stadium, home of the New York Mets. Yankees off and on again coach Billy Martin held th e position five different times, and led the team over the Los Angeles Dodgers in six games in the 1977 World Series.This is the World Series Reggie Jackson hit three home runs in a single game, and how he earned his nickname â€Å"Mr. October. †The 1980’s were lean times in which they did not win one World Series title. Don Mattingly was the best known Yankee during the 80’s. In 1983, Dave Righetti pitched the 6th no-hitter in Yankee’s history. 1983 also marked the famous â€Å"pine tar game†with the Kansas City Royals. The 1990’s started as the 1980’s ended. A breakthrough happened in 1996 when the Yankees hired Joe Torre, and then went on to win the World Series that same year. Torre brought the winning edge of previous decades to the new age Yankees.Derek Jeter would go on to become the next Yankees legend. The Yankees went on to win the 1998, 1999, and 2000 World Series, to complete the historic three-peat. The 2008 season was the last season played at historic Yankee Stadium. To celebrate the final year and history of Yankee Stadium, the 2008 MLB All-Star Game was played there on July 15, 2008. It wouldn’t take long for their next World Series title, as they won it all in 2009 with manager Joe Girardi at the helm. In all, the Yankees have 27 championships, more than any other team in any American sport.In pursuit of winning World Series titles, the franchise has utilized a large payroll to recruit star talent, particularly under former owner George Steinbrenner. Individual names are never put on the back of a Yankee’s uniform, because you are not an individual, you are a Yankee. The New York Yankees have inducted 36 players into the Hall of Fame, with more to come in the future. Playing for the Yankees is a huge desire for many kids and professional baseball players. Putting on those pinstripes represents history and pride. Hall of famer Joe DiMaggio put it best when he said, â€Å"Iâ€⠄¢d like to thank the good lord for making me a Yankee. †Â
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