Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Beowulf Vs. Macbeth
Literature is full of different genres and specific styles which help create varied works. The pieces of literature are imaginative and absolutely different writings which may be united under the genres and styles. However, even when the genres differ, it is possible to come across some specific similarities. Reading Beowulf, an Anglo Saxon poem, and Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the first impression is that these two pieces of literature are not alike. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf Vs. Macbeth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, a close reading of these two pieces also makes sure that a tragedy, the genre of Macbeth, and the epic poem, Beowulf’s genre, have a number of similarities, however the differences are more numerous. Comparing and contrasting the genres of these two plays the similarities are more interesting for consideration as they are more difficult for identification. It i s important to point to the similarities in Beowulf and Macbeth, they are as follows, the presentation of the heroes, the consideration of the ethical themes and the final stage of the plays which helps to draw some ethical conclusions based on the peculiarity of the actions of the heroes. It is not a secret that the presentation of the heroes differs from genre to genre, however, reading both these pieces of literature, it becomes obvious that both heroes in the epic poem and in the tragedy are notable people full of brave intentions and desire to act in favor of the society. Macbeth is a tragic hero who is a leader in the society, possesses some particular extraordinary features. Here is how the author describes him, For brave Macbeth–well he deserves that name– Disdaining fortune, with his brandish’d steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour’s minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave; Which ne’er shook hands, nor bade f arewell to him, Till he unseam’d him from the nave to the chaps, And fix’d his head upon our battlements (Shakespeare 8). The characteristics of Beowulf is as follows, â€Å"the hero had acted with flawless courage†¦ he was the most famous of exiles, a protector of warriors, acknowledged among men for his valorous deeds, his remarkable strength – after Heremod’s struggles came to an end, the eclipsed that hero (Beowulf 26)†. Considering these two quotes from the texts, the similarity is obvious. Being tragic and epic heroes, they are similar in being the protectors and hopes for their societies. Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The author presented their main characters in different genres as similar as no other genres could perform. Therefore, it should be concluded that tragic and epic genres are similar in presenting the main ch aracters, the heroes of their times. These two pieces of writing, tragic and epic, help consider the ethical and moral side of the discussion. Macbeth makes a severe mistake. His pride and self-assured behavior does not give him an opportunity to see all the warning and at the end the hero dies being combated and destroyed. The death of the main character is the characteristic feature of the tragedy as the genre. Macbeth stands on the path of violence â€Å"seeing himself at a point of no return†(Beardwood and Macdonell 7). Shakespeare presents this part in the text as follows, â€Å"Returning were as tedious as go o’er’†(Shakespeare 89). Beowulf is also concerned with the human values and moral choices. The epic heroes â€Å"are capable of performing acts of great courage; they are also capable of suffering intensely for their deeds†(Warsh and Spring 22). Thus, the ethical concern of the heroes is one more similarity in two pieces of writing . However, the close consideration of the moral actions of each of the heroes helps conclude that pride was the failure in Macbeth, while Beowulf managed to conserve the positive attitude of the society by means of his actions. Straggling with dragons and other dangerous creatures, Beowulf showed himself as a person of great courage and fearless performance who is able to cope with difficulties. Of course, the tragedy and the epic poem contain more themes which are presented in the plays, more problems which are solved and more conclusions which allow the audience to create personal opinion about the main character as the heroes who were presented as the leaders of the society. The final scenes are very important in understanding the main purpose of the discussion. Considering Beowulf as the character who kills monsters for the benefit of the mankind, the authors wants the audience to look at him as not as on the fighter, but as on â€Å"a large scale of the human history†( Warsh and Spring 23), even though the epic poems do not have the aim to present the history in the chronological order. Several specific situations are considered and a reader can draw a conclusion about the whole mankind. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf Vs. Macbeth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Macbeth has different conclusions where his mistakes are reveled. The death of the main character is the main characteristic feature of the play that offers audience food for thoughts what could be in case Macbeth performed in another way. The human actions are offered as the basis for analysis and the reader should clearly get the main idea of the last speeches. She should have died hereafter. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to d usty death. Out, out, brief candle. Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing (Shakespeare 146). These lines are full of pain to Lady Macbeth, however, even her death does not make Macbeth look at life from another angle. He understands what the warning says only when it is too late. Therefore, it may be concluded that tragedy and epic poetry are two different genres, however, having considered the examples of Beowulf, an Anglo Saxon poem, and Macbeth by William Shakespeare it may be concluded that there are several similarities between these two plays. The features of the main characters, their goals as the leaders of the society, the moral and ethical lessons and the final scenes which are the most important in understanding the main idea of the plays are the similarities which are the central here. Tragedy and epic poem are a bsolutely different genres aimed at achieving various goals by means of particular methods, however, the plays under consideration help to conclude that the similarities are also possible even within various genres. Works Cited Beardwood, Robert and Kate Macdonell. Macbeth. New York: Insight Publications, 2011. Print. Beowulf. New York: Wordsworth Editions, 2007. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. New York: Filiquarian Publishing, LLC., 2007. Print. Warsh, Lewis and Michael Spring. Beowulf. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 1984. Print. This essay on Beowulf Vs. Macbeth was written and submitted by user Sylas Hyde to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Educating Rita and the Devil Wears Prada Speech Into the World Essays
Educating Rita and the Devil Wears Prada Speech Into the World Essays Educating Rita and the Devil Wears Prada Speech Into the World Essay Educating Rita and the Devil Wears Prada Speech Into the World Essay The society we live in distorts our own unique desires and goals. When in a workplace or community it puts more pressure and expectation on individuals’ goals, warping them until a point where one identifies what they truly want and breaks the mould and expectations of society to do this. Examining texts such as ‘Educating Rita’ and ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ in addition to my own personal experience will bring forth an understanding of how society affects growing up and transition into new phases of life into a larger world. The text ‘Educating Rita’ is set Britain in the 1970’s, where a woman’s role was to have a family and look after it by staying at home and in the kitchen. The feminist movement started to occur along with the introduction of the contraception pill. Society began trying to broaden the middle class and the general education of the population by having such educating programs such as ‘Open University’. Rita goes to Open University to get an education. When she tries to move forward towards what she desires she is always brought back by her family’s and societies expectation, which is them stressing to her that being lower class is enough to be content with. But desire to make her life better encourages her to emerge with an education. Initially Frank’s office is a barrier which is shown through the metaphor and motif of the door. The door is stuck and finally ‘swings open revealing Rita’. In the first scence she is exclaiming her stress. â€Å"I’m comin’ in, aren’t I? It’s that stupid bleedin’ handle on the door. You wanna get it fixed! The rhetorical question encourages reflection how frustrating and hard it is to enter shown through the exclamation mark. Rita is seen ‘standing in the doorway, holding a small can of oil’ because of her desire to be educated and help her transition into being educated. The oil for the door has the same meaning as education for Rita, the oil helps open the door and education assists Rita becoming educated. In act two Rita seems to have no trouble fitting in with her educated peers; she is now secured a position as a student which is shown when she ‘bursts through the door†. The word ‘bursts’ here has connotations of confidence and her eagerness to learn. She is breaking her social context whereas in scene one she was questioning herself. Rita always purchases new dresses to cheer her up, but now realises she is not content with it. She stresses to Frank that â€Å"It’s like me isn’t it? Buying new dresses all the time, isn’t it? †The rhetorical questions and repetition enhance reflection on her learning and aim to move out of the stereotype. ‘In new second hand clothes’ this is symbolic of the ease she has in the middle class and shows juxtaposition of new second hand clothes. This has highlighted how she has changed and matured into the middle class and doesn’t require materialistic needs like a dress to satisfy her depression. Rita in’ Educating Rita’ mirrors the same growth and change as Andrea in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. It is a 2006 film in times where individuals are controlled by the capitalist world and times where pleasing your boss was the only ambition. Andrea is easily manipulated to suit her social context and expectations of her boss. This is shown through the change in her values overtime highlighting her new appreciation for fashion which is negatively affecting her relationships with her friends. Andrea then grows enough to come to realisation that she is controlled by the materialistic needs of fashion influences by the industry. This is shown thought her confused and miserable facial expression emphasises by the close camera shot and how Andrea throws the phone into the fountain. The close shot highlights the facial expression of deep thought and encourages the viewers to reflect on Andrea’s thoughts and her throwing her phone away The phone is a symbol of Miranda’s power over Andrea but when she throws it into the fountain it emphasis Miranda’s loss of control. This is comparable to Rita’s emerging want for an education and to fit in with her educated peer at an attempt to have a better life. She begins at ‘Runway’ fashion magazine with humorous fashion when a colleague makes a rhetorical joke asking if she has to go to ‘some hideous skirt convention’. Here she begins her occupation as a joke echoed in her routine and representing the starting point of her physical transformation. Her new transformation is noticeable through changes in costume. She goes from wearing jeans and a plain top to wearing Gucci and Prada! This visually emphasises her rapid change into the fashion industry. This is much alike Rita purchases new clothes to fulfil her unhappiness and problems. Andrea uses clothes as he fulfilment when her relationship start to crumble and becomes manipulated into conform to her context of the fashion industry. My own experience was being caught doing graffiti. I was young teenager in year 7 associating with year 8’s. I was seeking social acceptance in my new school and by engaging in graffiti writing I was able to gain appreciation. After doing it for the first time and being caught by a teacher I could see it was the wrong decision; violence and other illegal activities all stem from graffiti writing. This is largely similar to the ‘Devil Wear Prada’ and ‘Educating Rita. Andrea, in the ‘Devil Wears Prada’ like me, experimented with conforming to a certain area of society for acceptance. But when are actions are made evident by another it is easily seen that certain decisions were wrong. It is also comparable to ‘Educating Rita’ as graffiti writers are perceived in society as of a lower-class just like Rita, I was stereotyped and it is hard to break a stereotype many teachers still stereotype me now, 5 years on! Though realization, growth and change can occur, corresponding to how Rita comes to desire and acquire a better education as means of growth and change ion her life. All individuals can have a change in perspective so as to thrive towards a positive growth in their life, a decision; a realisation just has to come first. Social pressures can overpower Andre’s, Rita’s and my ability to make our own decisions but as we mature expectations are unsuccessful. The theme of growth and change is unmistakable in the supplementary texts’ though how the women are trying to break the mould of society’s expectations in different ways much alike to my change and growth through experience. Rita is growing throughout the PLAY eventually breaking the mould. While on the other hand, Andrea comes to a quick change when Miranda reveals that she chooses occupation over her true relationships comparable to my sudden transformation. Both texts and my experience come to the identical conclusion when expectations are overcome to the better life chosen.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Time monitor Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Time monitor - Research Paper Example I also need to dedicate some time to community activities on a weekly basis. My time plan differed from my time monitoring in the sense that it made me aware of the time in my life and made me conscious as to how I spent that time. It brought in a sense of urgency and concern regarding how I used my time. It made me aware of the fact that I do not merely need to live life in a random and unorganized manner, but rather I could make my life more meaningful and productive by being conscious as to how I spent my time and life. My time plan ushered in a sense of purpose and direction into my life. It brought in a sense of purpose to my life. In that context I need to acknowledge that I did incorporated the time related concerns that I identified during my time monitoring while contriving my time plan. I made it a point to curtail the time I spent on really low priority activities like watching TV and excessive socializing. I also made it a point to dedicate more time to household chores and physical fitness. I also tried to bring in sleep hygiene into my life and tried my best to sleep and wake up at a set and specific time. No wonder in the successive week I performed much better on these parameters. I also dedicated some time to community activities in my time plan. During the planned schedule in the following week, I need to confess that I was not able to stick to my time plan in a methodical and systematic manner. Yet I felt more organized during the week and felt that I was more productive this time. Sometimes I also had to make compromises with my time plan owing to important tasks like academic assignments and household chores, yet I feel that I can still do much
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Project Outline Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project Outline - Assignment Example h and Development unit of the Property Development Department of the Government (PDDG) is working on a program called the Seismic Zone Residential Construction Improvement Program. PDDG is working to assess the effectiveness of the boxes of a particular dimension used in the foundation of buildings. For successful accomplishment of project objectives, the project team would follow a linear project management life cycle as highlighted by Wysocki (2009). In this context, project management team would interview the stakeholders and review the scope of work to identify in detail their requirements and product specifications to come up with comprehensively planned schedule and cost for client’s approval. The required number of the resources would be shared between the project and department. In this case, functional managers would be responsible for directing the required resources to the project for completion of tasks. PMBOK (2008) defines WBS as a deliverable oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work executed by the project team to achieve end project objectives and create the required deliverables. Major project deliverables are represented by upper level of WBS that are further decomposed logically until the first level is no more decomposable. Lowest level of the project WBS is called work packages which contains most of the planned work and activities required to be executed and monitored. Figure below shows the WBS for the project. The purpose of the schedule management plan is to measure the project progress during different phases. In this regard, baselines are identified and established in early parts of the project against which appropriate data is collected and measurements are taken (Mulcahy 2011). It also provides guidelines on project time estimation processes making estimates faster and accurate. During the project execution, schedule management plan is used to determine if the deviation or variance is above the allowable threshold and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Summary of College Pressure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary of College Pressure - Essay Example The primary goal has become that they should pursue courses that would lead them towards a life of financial and economic security. Majors that Zinsser has described as ‘pre-rich’ become the primary choice of students yet it fails to yield a definite answer on why they take them. He illustrated specific examples wherein students put more emphasis on the aesthetics of their transcript. The value that is placed on being appealing on paper and how they often overexert effort to achieve all of these as a clear sign of peer pressure. There is concurrently the matter of the parents, whether advertently or inadvertently, putting pressure on their children in the hopes that they get better careers for their financial security. It is a common occurrence that the parents choose for their children in view that they are wiser because they are older. Failing is not an option and planning is the key. Despite all of these, the author specifies the good points of today’s generation. He points out that they are kind and they are accommodating to people. They often juggle interests with their studies but in turn may only aggravate pressures. In essence, he hopes for a better college experience where ‘getting ahead’ is not the end-all and be-all of these students lives. Zinsser mentioned how most of those he knew got into where they are not exactly on a perpendicular way but through hurdles. â€Å"That there is no one "right" way to get ahead -- that each of them is a different person, starting from a different point and bound for a different destination†(Zinsser, par. 40). Rather, that they sit back and consider that detours are integral part of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Legal Research Assessment
Legal Research Assessment Question 1 Could Vincents security staff be given power to issue fixed penalty notices for disorder? Issues What is a fixed PND? Who legally can issue? How does this apply to these particular facts? Research Lexis Halsburys Laws of England – search â€Å"penalty notice for disorder†Result – 639 Directions as to Defendants good character – reference to Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 s2(1) Search Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 s2(1) – Part 1 deals with Provisions for Combating Crime and Disorder and within this section 2 with Penalty Notices S2(1) â€Å"a constable who has reason to believe that a person aged [10] or over has committed a penalty offence may give him a penalty notice in respect of the offence.†Note subordinate legislation Penalties for Disorderly Behaviour (Amendment of Minimum Age) Order 2004, SI 2004/3166 no reference to under-age drinkers in the facts so not following up further Reviewing rest of Part 1 and noting that under s(4) a â€Å"penalty notice†is defined as â€Å"a notice offering the opportunity†¦to discharge any liability to be convicted of the offence to which the notice relates.†S(1) lists offences leading to penalties on the spot and noting that these include â€Å"being drunk in a highway, other public place or licensed premises†, â€Å"disorderly behaviour while drunk in a public place†and â€Å"behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress†Halsburys Laws of England 542 penalty notices and penalties Halsburys Laws 543 deals with procedure Therefore appears that in addition to the police â€Å"accredited persons†may be able to issue PNDs subject to certain exceptions. Westlaw Searching for Police Reform Act 2002 s41 – accreditation under community safety accreditation schemes Applies where under s(1) a chief officer of police has entered into arrangements with an employer for the purposes of carrying out community safety functions Schedule 5 sets out the powers that may be conferred on â€Å"accredited person†Under s41 (4) chief officer of police must be satisfied that (a) the employer is a â€Å"fit and proper person to supervise†[the carrying out of the function of the accredited person], (b) the person themselves is a suitable person to exercise the powers (c) the person is capable of carrying out the function and (d) the person has received adequate training Under s41(5) chief officer of police may charge a fee for considering and granting applications Accreditation only applies while AP is employee of the person with whom chief of police has entered into the arrangement and for specified period, although can be renewed. S40 Police Reform Act 2002 – community safety accreditation schemes – under s40(1) chief officer of police of any police force may establish such a scheme Business Link website Guidance also found on the Home Office website at Essex Police website – details of accreditation scheme on â€Å"about us†page Question 2 Would male customers have any cause of action against the Club for being charged twice the entrance fee of women on a Wednesday or Thursday night? If so, where could this action be instigated? Issues Is this sex discrimination? Where can proceedings be brought? Research As mentioned in memo that threatened to complain to Equal Opportunities Commission – looked for its website. Comes under Equality and Human Rights Commission (EOC) at Main legislation is the Equality Act 2010 which came into force 1 October 2010 and brought into one place the fragmented existing laws against discrimination. Guidance on EOC website suggest that businesses need to avoid unlawful discrimination which includes setting conditions – eg â€Å"ladies nights†would almost certainly fall into this. Says EA applies to both public and private sectors, Human Rights Act 1998 – to public bodies Also referred to Human Rights Law and Practice, Third Edition Lexis Nexis 2009 – EHRC is non-departmental government body Lexis Equality Act 2010 s13 Direct discrimination (1) A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others. s29 Provision of services, etc. (1) A person (a â€Å"service-provider†) concerned with the provision of a service to the public or a section of the public (for payment or not) must not discriminate against a person requiring the service by not providing the person with the service. (2) A service-provider (A) must not, in providing the service, discriminate against a person (B) (a) as to the terms on which A provides the service to B; (b) by terminating the provision of the service to B; (c) by subjecting B to any other detriment. Part 9 deals with enforcement – s113 with proceedings, 114 jurisdiction, 118 time limits and 119 remedies. Important points – bring in county court in area where business based within 6 months of discrimination. Westlaw Equality Act 2010, Part 2 (4) and (11) â€Å"protected characteristic†includes sex. Recent news – Hall and Preddy case (unreported) – same sex couple who were not allowed to stay in bed and breakfast received  £1,800 each in damages Question 3 Is Lucca entitled to the additional 6 months leave? If so, does Vincent have to keep his job open for him? Issues What is the entitlement to paternity leave? Can Lucca return to the same job? Research Westlaw Search â€Å"paternity leave†– Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/1055) came into force 6 April 2010. Under Employment Rights Act 1996 requirement to make regulations entitling fathers to paternity leave – 2 consecutive weeks within 56 days of birth. Work and Families Act 2008 inserted s80AA and 80BB into ERA – reference to ordinary and additional leave. Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002/2788 gave entitlement to 2 weeks paternity leave. Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/1055) Additional paternity leave where child due on or after 3 April 2011 – up to 6 months and entitled to return to same job after leave. Internal Report Memo From: Trainee To: Supervising Partner Date: 30.03.11 Re: Vincent Grubnic, managing director of the Vortex, Night- Club Dear Supervising Partner Thank you for your memo dated 29.03.11 in which you requested I conduct some research ahead of your meeting with Vincent Grubnic next Thursday, focusing particularly on the following issues: 1. Could Vincents security staff be given power to issue fixed penalty notices for disorder? 2. Would male customers have any cause of action against the Club for being charged twice the entrance fee of women on a Wednesday or Thursday night? If so, where could this action be instigated? 3. Is Lucca entitled to the additional 6 months leave? If so, does Vincent have to keep his job open for him? Summary In relation to issue 1 Vincent can apply to the local police force for accreditation for his security staff to be given the power to issue penalty notices. In relation to issue 2 it is likely that the promotion described would fall foul of sex discrimination law and the complainant could bring proceedings in the county court and possibly be awarded damages. Therefore it is advisable that the promotion is changed. In relation to issue 3 it is again likely that Lucca will be entitled to the additional leave and, if his job is not held open for him, there is a risk of Lucca bringing an employment claim. Issue 1 Fixed penalty notices for disorder The starting point is the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (CJPA), Part 1 of which deals with Provisions for Combatting Crime and Disorder. This legislation created the power for the police to issue penalty notices for certain offences. A â€Å"penalty notice†is defined as â€Å"a notice offering the opportunity†¦to discharge any liability to be convicted of the offence to which the notice relates†. Therefore a person given a penalty notice, assuming they elect to pay the specified amount, will not be convicted of the offence detailed in the notice. If, however, they do not pay the specified amount they are likely to be charged with the offence and may be convicted. The offences which may lead to on-the-spot penalties include â€Å"being drunk in a highway, other public place or licensed premises†, â€Å"disorderly behavior while drunk in a public place†and â€Å"behavior likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress .†The amount of the penalty is specified by order of the Secretary of State with the fixed amount for most of the listed offences being  £80, or  £40 in case of person under 16. The notice must include specified details including the alleged offence, the circumstances in which it occurred and the persons right to ask to be tried for the alleged offence in place of paying the fixed amount. Initially, under CJPA, it was envisaged that penalty notices would be issued by the police . However, this was later widened to include Police Community Support Officers as well as people accredited under a community accreditation scheme . The Police Reform Act 2002 (PRA) created the power for the chief officer of a police force to set up a community accreditation scheme. Under such a scheme, an â€Å"accredited person†has similar powers to the police to issue notices and therefore the chief officer must be satisfied that that their employer is fit to supervise them carrying out their role, that the person themselves is suitable to the role and that they have received training. Under s41(5) PRA the chief officer of police may charge a fee for considering and granting applications. Accreditation schemes are aimed at particular types of work including staff of private security firms . My research suggests that Vincents staff may therefore be able to obtain accreditation, assuming Vincent is prepared to pay the necessary fees for the application and training and that both he and the staff are deemed suitable to participate. If this is something Vincent would like to pursue, there are further details about the local accreditation scheme on the Essex Police website . Issue 2 Sex discrimination in promotions In order to consider this issue, I firstly reviewed the law in relation to discrimination on the grounds of sex. The legislation in relation to the various types of discrimination has recently been brought into one place in the form of the Equality Act 2010 which came into force 1 October 2010. I note that the student who made the complaint had threatened to complain to the Equal Opportunities Commission. The EOC now comes under the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) which provides a wide range of guidance and advice to both service users and businesses. The guidance suggests that businesses need to avoid setting conditions in promotions which favour either sex and suggests that â€Å"ladies nights†would almost certainly fall foul of the requirements of the new legislation. . This guidance is confirmed by the legislation itself. The Equality Act 2010 (EQA) states that â€Å"a person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others.†The sex of a person is a protected characteristic. The EQA makes specific references to service providers and that discrimination is not permitted in the terms in which A provides a service to B. My view is that it is clear under the EQA legislation that service providers such as Vincent cannot offer a service at one rate to men and at another rate to women without breaching requirements in relation to discrimination. Turning to enforcement, this is dealt with under Part 9 EQA. The student could issue proceedings in the county court in which Vincents business is situated, which in this case would be Colchester County Court, and would have 6 months from the action complained of in which to do so. While he cannot make a claim through EHRC it may provide assistance if there is sufficient interest in the matter. If the students case was successful, he may be awarded damages and it is therefore advisable commercially that Vincent changes the promotion as soon as possible. While this would not prevent a claim, it would limit its impact and the interest of the EHRC. Issue 3 Additional parental leave Finally, I turn to the question of the bar manager, Lucca. The Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA) states that the Secretary of State shall make regulations entitling fathers who meet specified conditions to a period of 2 weeks of paternity leave. This was carried out through secondary legislation in the form of the Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002. The Work and Families Act 2008 then inserted s80AA and 80BB into ERA making reference to â€Å"ordinary†and†â€Å"additional†leave. Following this, the Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 (APLR) came into force on 6 April 2010 and made provision for entitlement to additional leave where the baby was due on or after 3 April 2011. It appears that Vincent does not dispute Luccas entitlement to the 2 weeks ordinary paternity leave. However, it appears that Lucca also meets the criteria for additional paternity leave under the APLR having been employed for more than 26 weeks, being the father of the child and, along with the mother, apparently expecting to have the main responsibility for bringing up the child. In addition, the baby is due after 3 April 2011. Lucca wishes to take 6 months leave beginning 6 months after the birth, which he is entitled to do providing he gives notice 8 weeks prior to the start of the leave . The notice must be in writing and include both employee and mother declarations that the purpose of the leave is for Lucca to care for the child while the mother is at work. The APLR also confers a right for Lucca to return to the same job providing he does not take more than the 6 months intended leave . If Vincent does not keep the job open for Lucca then it is likely that he will have been unfairly dismissed which may give rise to a claim. I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any queries or would like me to do any further work on this matter prior to your meeting, such as contacting Vincent to ensure he brings along identification if he is a new client.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Explain Different Sociological Approaches to Health and Ill Health Essay
Throughout society there are many different sociological approaches to health and ill health. Within society there are many different perspectives towards whom the responsibility for health falls upon and also what defines people as ill? Your health is defined by the general condition of your body and mind. An illness is defined by an impairment of normal physical or mental function. To help explain the different sociological approaches to health and ill health I will be referring to the case study of Aziz and Tamsela. Aziz and Tamsela have four young children; Tamsela’s elderly parents also live with them in their three bedroomed houses in a deprived and depressing area of London. Their house is in desperate need of repair; it is damp and due to this is very expensive to heat in the winter months. Aziz and Tamsela are both currently unemployed. The family also has very ill health; during the winter the children generally seem to have constant colds. On top of this Tamsela suffers from asthma and her father has bronchitis; also Tamsela’s mother is depressed and has been prescribed drugs to help her condition. One of the first sociological approaches to health and ill health involves the functionalist approach. The functionalists approach is derived from the work of Talcott Parsons. Using the traditional functionalists approach he described how for society to function effectively that its members need to healthy. Parsons defined illness as a form of deviance and that ill members of society were still performing a social role, the sick role. In his view if people declared themselves as ill specific rights and responsibilities come with this new role. Functionalists believe that the rights associated with the sick role are; to be exempt from normal social obligations, for example, to go to school, college or work and from meeting normal family obligations, also to be cared for. Parsons saw it as one of the key functions of the family to care for the sick and other dependant members of the family group. The individual also has responsibilities that are involved in the sick role; taking all reasonable steps to get better and seeking to resume their normal place in society as soon as possible and to cooperate with medical professionals, particularly doctors and their staff. Functionalists view that illness has social consequences; the ill cannot work and need to be cared for. They believe that where ever possible illness must be quickly dealt with in order for society to function effectively. In the instance of Aziz and Tamsela, the functionalists view contradicts their situation as they are in ill health and are not working; therefore they are stopping the effective function of society. In order to comply with the functionalists view they would need to seek help themselves and ensure their return to health in order to be able to start working and contributing to society as in their current situation they are draining society. Another approach to health and ill health would be the Marxists approach. Marxists believe that the definitions of health and illness and the health and social care system provided are in place to serve the interests of the more powerful dominant classes. Doctors are seen as agents who ensure that people go back to work as soon as possible, working in the interests of their employers rather than working in the patient’s best interests. Their job is to ensure that the employer has a healthy workforce. However the government still allow these companies to make money from the products that effectively cause ill health such as tobacco and junk food. Factories and firms also continue to produce toxic waste and large amounts of pollution which can also cause ill health. Marxists regard levels of ill health to be linked to the differences in social class, for example there is a higher level of illness and lower life expectancy in areas of poverty, high unemployment and environmental pollution. Marxists believe that the government do not consider enough the reasons for ill health; they believe that rather than treating patients each time they become ill that the government should look into the reasons they are continually becoming ill. With people needing to be treated by the NHS constantly this costs the government lots of money which the Marxist believe is funded by the most advantaged in society. The case study of Aziz and Tamsela supports this, as they live in a deprived area of London, in a damp house, they live in poverty and all have ill health, therefore supporting the Marxists view. Their care and ill health is costing society, however if they lived in a better area in a better house they may not become ill as often and may be able to recover and work. In this case the action would be to make sure they are fit and well unable to return to work and benefit their employer however a bigger solution would involve seeking a long term problem to their illnesses. Another approach to be considered is the interactionalist or social action approach. Interactionism is more concerned with the issues of health and illness. They look at; the process which lead a person to define themselves as ill, people with the same complaint vary with symptoms and also vary as to whether they will seek professional help. Also the interaction between the professionals and the patient in agreeing how ill they are and also the discussion between the professional and the patient about the impact of their illness and how much their illness limits them. They also consider the impact of illness on people self-image and their relationships if they are labelled as ill. Interactionists do not look at the structures and institutions or the reasons people become ill but the complex relationships between people, their friends and family and their links with the professional services. They believe that these relationships have as much influence as medical diagnosis on whether a person declares themselves as ill. In relation the Aziz and Tamsela, it is possible that they declare themselves as ill and declare their children as ill as their parents both suffer from serious illnesses. Lastly the feminist approach focuses on the male domination in society and medical professions and how this affects the health and social care system. They are particularly concerned with the way in which pregnancy and child birth are perceived as medical issues rather than a natural process. Another issue they have been trying to combat is the issue that the medical profession and the related pharmaceutical industries have given low priority to developing a male contraceptive pill, leaving most contraceptive methods only available to women. Their main focus is the fact that many women suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Feminists see this as a result of their exploited position in society and family unit. They argue that because women now also have the pressure and expectation of working however they also still have the responsibility of running a family, this causes them great stress due to a lot of pressure from society and their families. Feminists believe that any medical issue should be treated with medicines. In regards to the case study this approach does not have a very strong link as Tamsela does not work and neither does her husband. However due to the extra pressure of her parents living with her she will feel more stressed having to care for them, she is also dealing with extra pressure as her husband does not work and there is no money coming in to the family. Health can be defined in a negative or positive concept. A positive concept looks at health as a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing. Whereas a negative concept of health is that health is merely the absence of disease. In the health and social care sector, care professionals usually adapt the holistic approach. The holistic approach addresses the needs of the whole person including their, intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, mental and physical health. Mildred Blaxter (1990) interviewed 10,000 people in a large scale study. From this she defined three standards of peoples understanding of health and wellbeing; a positive definition, regarding health as feeling fit and well. A negative definition regarding health as being free from pain and discomfort and also a functional definition, regarding health in terms of being able to perform certain day to day tasks. Models of Health There are also two models regarding health, the biomedical model and Socio-medical model. The Biomedical model has dominated western industrialised societies since the nineteenth century. This view of health underpins the policies of the current health system in the UK. In this model health is regarded as the absence of disease and that intervention from health professionals is necessary in the time of illness. The main purpose of the health service is to cure disease and to use scientifically tested methods to address diagnosed illnesses. In this model little regard is given to the social and environmental factors that may have caused ill health, it mainly focuses on the individual. The Biomedical model focuses mainly on the individual and finding a cure for them, it is a limitation of this model as it does not take into account the factors causing ill health and also the implications on the rest of society. Another limitation is that the biomedical model regards health as being simply the absence of disease which does not consider a patients mental, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual or physical health, which could lead to a person becoming unhealthy in different terms. However an advantage of this is that because the main focus of the model is disease, this would show that it is the health care professionals such as doctors whom are in control of a patient’s condition, meaning less confusion or interference from others such as management or other health care workers. This is links in with the inter-actionists sociological approach to health and illness as they focus on the relationship between the health professional and the individual and how this affects the person’s health and the decisions made about their health. The biomedical model also sits well with the functionalists approach to health and social care. Functionalists view illness as dysfunctional for society, as if people are ill they can’t make their normal contributions to society and are exempt from their usual social responsibilities, effectively stopping it from running smoothly. They then have the responsibility to co-operate with health care professionals and should take all reasonable steps to get better. Whereas the Socio-medical focuses on the social factors that contribute to health and wellbeing. Research shows that life expectancy rose and death rates fell especially infant mortality rates with improvements in sanitation and the provision of clean water, the building of new council houses and general improved standards of living. This began during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. However the NHS was not introduced until 1948 which meant free personal health care. This goes to show that social and environmental factors are a significant source of disease and that the causes and effects of ill health are not solely surrounding the individual. However as the Socio-medical model focuses on the environmental and social affecting factors, this can take time to find a cause of illness which would mean that until a cure or solution was found each patient would need to treated individual so that their illness was kept under control. This could also be seen as strength of the Socio-medical model because even though it may take time to find a solution to the problem or reasons for an illness, if a solution was found it can mean long term solutions and also the prevention of the illness in future. However unlike the biomedical model the socio-medical model does not fit at all with the functionalists perspective towards health and illness but fits better with the Marxists view of health and illness, Marxists would explain the shorter life expectancy and the higher rates of ill-health among the poor as a consequence of the inequalities in society and the poor life circumstances of those in poverty. They would argue that the poor are more likely to have an inadequate diet and live in damp houses, in deprived areas where unemployment and environmental pollution are higher making them more vulnerable to illness and that the higher groups in society such as politicians and the owners of the industries are not willing to help and make changes to help protect the poor from ill-health and disease. Overall both models of health are very different the biomedical model focuses on curing the individual each time where as the socio-medical model looks at the causes of the illnesses including the society we live in and the environment and looks for a longer term solutions. Effectively both models are useful and possibly if put together could be more effective in solving the problems regarding health and illness throughout society.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Electrical Market Generation Engineering Essay
In a deregulated electricity market, the coevals, transmittal and distribution sectors are operated by different companies. This may give rise to congestion in transmittal lines due to miss of co ordination between different sectors. It may besides happen in a vertically incorporate market but it can easy be taken attention of since all the three sectors are controlled by one entity. Congestion can interrupt the demand and supply market. It can straight impact the net incomes of the market participants. Without congestion market monetary value will be unvarying but with congestion the monetary values in some countries will increase and in other countries will diminish. Congestion changes the pre despatch program of bring forthing units in order to run into the energy demands with cheaper bring forthing units cut downing their end product whereas expensive units increasing their end products in the engorged countries. This makes the energy market less efficient. By congestion we mean that the transmittal web is unable to incorporate all of the coveted minutess due to misdemeanor of the system bounds. These could be thermic, electromotive force, little signal stableness bounds etc. These bounds are violated due to the breaks in power flow in transmittal lines. Therefore it becomes imperative to take steps that would forestall or acquire rid of congestion in transmittal lines. Let ‘s hold a expression at a congestion illustration. Suppose that there is a part where the electricity supply becomes really inexpensive. This would ensue in an increasing demand as more and more people would desire to travel for that electricity seting a immense sum of burden on the system. In order to run into the increasing demand, there would be heavy flow of power over the transmittal lines. This would incur losingss every bit good as the stableness bounds would be threatened ensuing in congestion. There are two ways to cut down congestion. One is the proficient manner, by utilizing the FACTS devices and the transformer pat accommodations whereas the other one is related to the market e.g auctioning, re-dispatching etc.1.2 AimsThe aims of this thesis undertaking are as follows: To Analyze the FACTS devices To Identify the different jobs due to congestion To show the usage of FACTS devices in pull offing congestion in pool market To smoothen the Locational Marginal Prices ( LMP ) and maximise the societal public assistance Economic consideration in arrangement of FACTS1.3 Scope of ThesisThe thesis will get down with the literature reappraisal on optimum power flow, Power flow restraints, FACTS devices, power flow control, how FACTS are used to increase the transmittal capacity in order to cover with the congestion direction in transmittal systems. Electricity market theoretical account will be generated and by utilizing the FACTS devices the LMP will be smoothened and the societal public assistance will be maximized.. In the terminal based on the consequences, recommendations and decisions would be given consequently.Literature Review2.1 Optimum Power FlowIn 1960 some extensions were made in the conventional economic burden despatch job called optimum power flow ( OPF ) . OPF simulation is used to happen the optimum solution to a job. A system can be modeled by an nonsubjective map. This nonsubjective map could be minimising the production cost, minimising the transmittal losingss etc. It depends on what type of market the nonsubjective map represents. The OPF is used to command different variables in such a manner that the nonsubjective map can be minimized ensuing in the addition in overall efficiency of the system.2.2 Power System ConstraintsWith the growing of electric public-service corporations all over the universe, the transmittal systems are being pushed closer to their stableness bounds whilst more and more quality of power is being demanded. The transmittal of power over an country or a part may be limited due to certain power restraints such as: Steady province power transportation bound Voltage stableness bound Dynamic stableness bound Transeunt stableness bound Oscillations muffling bound Thermal bound These are called the constrictions as they limit the sum of power fluxing through transmittal lines.2.3 Congestion ManagementCongestion direction is a major job faced by the independent system operators ( ISO ) in the deregulated electricity environment as it has a immense negative impact on market monetary values and the market trade ensuing in breaks and pecuniary punishments under some status. FACT devices like TCSC, TCPAR ( more on this in the following chapter ) can assist to cut down congestion, smoothen locational fringy monetary value and maximise the societal public assistance. [ 1 ] The distinguishable congestion direction systems widely being employed are Nodal pricing method Zonal pricing method These are the congestion direction theoretical accounts that are based on optimum power flow algorithm [ 2 ] . In [ 3 ] , two attacks covering with the direction costs are studied. The first attack is the nodal pricing which forms the model for the pool theoretical account. The 2nd attack is based on cost allotment processs proposed for the bilateral theoretical account. Pool and the bilateral theoretical account are compared. The bilateral theoretical account would easy hold been the obvious pick for clients if it had n't been for the particular features of electricity. These features produce two jobs. The first job relates to the presence of transmittal restraints whereas the 2nd one relates to transmittal losingss. The pool adjusts these particular features of electricity in trading procedure. The locational facets of pool theoretical account are based on theory of nodal topographic point pricing. In [ 4 ] , zonary congestion direction has been presented. Importance of existent and reactive power despatchs in relieving the congestion direction has been highlighted. Congestion direction in pool theoretical account is formulated as a Non Linear Programming ( NLP ) and it is solved by utilizing the fittingness distance ratio atom drove intelligence. In [ 5 ] , coordination between the pool and the bilateral trading in congestion despatch in intercrossed market theoretical account is investigated. A mathematical theoretical account of co-ordinated congestion despatch is created which relates the rate of pool buying cost and the curtailment rate of contracts to the precedence of different trades in the intercrossed electricity market.2.4 FACTSThe conventional ways of heightening power system control were to utilize Series capacitance to command the electric resistance, switched shunt capacitance and reactor to command the electromotive force, stage switching transformer to command the angle etc. Now in the modern universe FACTS accountants are being used. The construct of FACTS was foremost introduced in 1990. FACTS stand for Flexible AC Transmission Systems. FACTS is defined by the IEEE as â€Å" a power electronic based system and other inactive equipment that provide control of one or more AC transmittal system parametric quantities to heighten controllability and increase power transportation capableness [ 2 ] . The FACTS devices late became popular due to their efficient power controllability in power transmittal lines. There are a figure of FACT devices that are presently being used each holding their pros and cons. The power is generated and distributed to the consumers over transmittal webs. The power flow is related to the electric resistance of these transmittal lines. Greater the electric resistance lesser will be the power flow. When there is a rush in demand, the power lines with low electric resistance will acquire overloaded before the high electric resistance 1s restricting the power that can be transmitted through the high electric resistance lines. There are two ways through which the lifting demand can be met. They are: – Build more transmittal lines in order to increase the transmittal capacity Use the FACTS devices in the bing transmittal web in order to increase their transmittal capacity by commanding the power flow. The former one is non executable since it requires a immense investing and has some environmental concerns associated with it. The latter 1 is what we would be looking at. The basic applications of FACT devices are: They increase the bing transmittal line power capableness Control the power flow Decrease in reactive power profiting bring forthing companies because lesser the reactive power more will be the existent power. The clients are charged for the existent power they consume. To increase the stableness Voltage control Increase the security of the system. In [ 6 ] , congestion direction methods are considered. The first is the re despatch of the coevals agenda formed by the market. Congestion direction cost is evaluated utilizing the coevals agenda. The installing and the operation of flexible jumping current transmittal systems ( FACTS ) devices in the transmittal lines for the intent of countering congestion is besides considered. A cost benefit analysis is proposed which justifies the economic feasibleness of FACTS devices. After transporting out trials on IEEE 14 coach system, this paper concludes that when FACTS devices are employed in transmittal lines at optimum places they were able to cut down the sum of power to be re dispatched every bit good as the cost of congestion. In [ 7 ] , congestion caused by the increasing figure of bilateral contracts is alleviated by utilizing two methods. Cost free and non cost free agencies. The former trades with the stage shifters, FACTS devices. The system with and without FACTS devices is compared. The optimum power flow ( OPF ) consequence shows that the single power minutess suffer less curtailment with FACTS. The usage of FACTS device called thyristor controlled series compensator ( TCSC ) is discussed. The execution of FACTS devices in bilateral despatch model to keep system stableness and security is proposed. The development of simple and efficient theoretical accounts for optimum location of FACTS devices to undertake congestion direction by the optimum control of their parametric quantities is proposed in [ 8 ] . In a engorged environment, the sensitiveness factors can efficaciously be used to find the optimum location of FACTS devices, TCSC and TCPAR. However this paper does non cover with the optimum location of other FACTS devices such as SVC, STATCOM. In [ 9 ] , steady province theoretical accounts of FACTS devices are formulated based on PIM and incorporated into optimum power flow ( OPF ) . By making this, FACTS tend to acquire flexible due to greater grade of freedom for the OPF solution infinite. The job is solved utilizing consecutive quadratic scheduling ( SQP ) in MatLab. The consequences clearly show that the FACTS devices greatly enhance the electromotive force stableness every bit good as the power transportation capableness.2.5 Controllability of Power FlowThis subdivision will cast visible radiation on the parametric quantities that affect the power flow in transmittal lines. This is indispensable in understanding the working of FACTS for congestion direction. To maintain things simple consider a two coach system in figure 2.1Figure 2.1 Two Bus SystemThe transportation of power between the two points is given by( 2-1 )Where is is Power received is Voltage sent is electromotive force received is characteristic electric resistance of the line eristic electric resistance of the line system in figure 2.1 power flow in transmittal lines. This is indispensable in understand is transmittal angle We have assumed that all the line losingss are neglected. For a short line this equation can be simplified to( 2-2 )Since Equation 2-2 merely states that the power fluxing through a transmittal line depends on three things, electromotive force, angle and electric resistance. The most of import decision that can be drawn from this equation is that higher the electric resistance of a power line lesser will be the power flow through it. Power flow is ever through those lines that have got low electric resistance.Chapter 4Electricity MarketThis chapter negotiations about the deregulated electricity market. How this market construction came into being, what advantages and disadvantages does this current construction has is discussed in the deregulated electricity market subdivision. It so sheds visible radiation on the different market theoretical accounts that are adopted by assorted states. The three market theoretical accounts that exist and discussed in this chapter are Pool theoretical account, Bilateral Model and Hybrid Model. An nonsubjective map for the pool market is formulated. Here the aim is the societal public assistance maximization.MethodologyThe first measure is to reexamine the different sorts of FACT devices. Get familiar with their operation. The following measure involves the use of these FACT devices to relieve congestion in power lines. After that a market theoretical account would be generated that would assist us to analyze the effects of FACTS devices on the market parametric quantities such as LMP, societal public assistance etc. A package will be used to transport out this undertaking. The consequences would be shown with the aid of graphsClasss of FACTS DevicesFACTS devices can be classified into the undermentioned classs.Series CompensationIn series compensation, the FACTS devices are connected in series in transmittal lines to shoot electromotive force. It works as a governable electromotive force beginning. These series FACTS devices can be a variable electric resistance e.g a capacitance. Series induction occurs over long transmittal lines doing a electr omotive force bead. To counterbalance that electromotive force bead, the series capacitances are coupled.Shunt CompensationIn shunt compensation, FACTS devices are connected in analogue to the transmittal lines. These devices inject current at the point of connexion in the transmittal lines. They act as a governable current beginning. Shunt compensation if of two types: – Shunt capacitive compensation This method is implemented when there is a demand to better the power factor. Whenever there is an inductive burden connected to the power system, it ‘s traveling to ensue in a lagging current doing the power factor to dawdle. This is non desirable since the low power factor relates to high sum of current drawn by the burden ensuing in immense energy losingss. A shunt capacitance is connected that draws current taking the electromotive force beginning which helps better the power factor. Shunt inductive compensation This method is used when there is a really low burden connected at the having terminal. This causes a really low current to flux through the transmittal lines. Shunt electrical capacity in the transmittal line causes voltage elaboration. This phenomenon is known as Ferranti consequence. The electromotive force at the having terminal becomes greater than the electromotive force at the directing terminal. To counterbalance, shunt inductances are connected across the transmittal lines.Combined Series-Series CompensationTwo FACTS devices are connected individually in series in a multi line transmittal system. Each of the devices provides independent series reactive compensation for each of the lines.Combined Series-Shunt CompensationIn this constellation, a combination of a series and shunt FACTS devices are used. The shunt device injects current into the system whereas the series device injects electromotive force. In order words this sort of constellation allows to hold an independent control over existent and existent and reactive power fluxing through the transmittal lines.Examples of Series CompensationInactive Synchronous Series Compensator ( SSSC ) Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor ( TCSC ) Thyristor Controlled Series Reactor ( TCSR ) Thyristor Switched Series Capacitor ( TSSC ) Thyristor Switched Series Reactor ( TSSR )Examples of Shunt CompensationInactive Synchronous Compensator ( STATCOM ) Inactive Var Compensator ( SVC )Example of Combined Series-Series CompensationInterline Power Flow Controller ( IPFC )Example of Combined Series-Shunt CompensationUnified Power Flow Controller ( UPFC ) Unified Power flow accountant ( UPFC ) is the most powerful FACTS accountant yet. It has the ability to command both the reactive and active power flow in transmittal lines whereas the other FACTS accountants named above could either command existent or active power flow. It is capable of commanding all the parametric quantities such as electromotive force, electric resistance and angle that are responsible for the power flow. The most widely used FACTS devices are the 1s that involve the thyristor engineering. We will analyze merely two FACTS devices in item since those are the 1s that will be implemented for congestion direction. Those two FACTS devices are: – Inactive Synchronous Compensator ( STATCOM ) Inactive Synchronous Series Compensator ( SSSC )Inactive Synchronous Compensator ( STATCOM )The inactive synchronal compensator ( STATCOM ) was antecedently known as inactive synchronal capacitor ( STATCON ) . It is based on a solid province synchronal electromotive force beginning that is merely like an ideal synchronal machine without a revolving mass. These devices generate a set of sinusoidal electromotive forces at cardinal frequences with quickly governable amplitude and stage angles. Fig 4.1 shows the generalised construction of a electromotive force beginning convertor. The input of a STATCOM is a DC electromotive force which it converts into an AC end product electromotive force at a cardinal frequence in order to counterbalance for the reactive and active power needed by the system. Qref and Pref are the mention signals that control the amplitude of the end product electromotive force V and the stage angle I? , severally. Fig 4.1 Generalized synchronal electromotive force beginning So by altering the Qref, in other words by changing the electromotive force the reactive power exchange between the inverter and the AC system can be controlled. If the amplitude of the end product electromotive force is greater than that of the AC system electromotive force, the inverter produces reactive power for the AC system. If the amplitude of the end product electromotive force is varied such that it becomes less than the AC system electromotive force, the inverter absorbs the reactive power and if both the AC system electromotive force and the end product electromotive force is the same, there is no reactive power exchange. By changing stage angles between the inverter end product and AC system electromotive forces, the existent power exchange between the inverter and the AC system can be controlled. If the inverter end product electromotive force leads the AC system electromotive force, existent power is supplied to the AC system by the inverter. If the inverter end product electromotive force lags the AC system electromotive force, the existent power is absorbed from the AC system by the inverter. Figure 4.2 shows the basic construction of STATCOM and it ‘s V-I features are shown in Figure 4.3. By detecting figure 3.3 it ‘s clear that the accountant can supply both reactive and inductive compensation and is able to command the end product current between the specified maximal capacitive and inductive scope independent of the AC system electromotive force. It can supply full capacitive end product current at any practical electromotive force. It ‘s more effectual than SVC in supplying transmittal electromotive force support every bit good as bettering the stableness of the system since SVC can provide thinning end product current with diminishing system electromotive force as judged by the designed maximal tantamount capacitive entree. The comparing of STATCOM with SVC can expected to give a 50 per centum decrease in the physical size of the installing. Another advantage of STATCOM over SVC is that it is able to back up higher tonss than the SVC can for the comparable MVAr evaluation. The STATCOM may hold an increased transient evaluation in both the inductive and capacitive operating parts, which can further heighten its dynamic public presentation. The conventional SVC were equipped with transeunt volt-ampere soaking up capableness merely. There was no manner that they could transiently increase the var coevals since the maximal capacitive current it can pull is austerely determined by the value of its maximal electrical capacity and the magnitude of the system electromotive force. The transient evaluation of the STATCOM relies on the features of the power semiconducting materials used and the maximal junction temperature at which each of these devices can be operated. Furthermore, STATCOM does non significantly change the bing system electric resistance, which is another advantage over the inactive volt-ampere compensators ( SVCs ) . To cut the treatment short, STATCOM has better features over SVC ; the maximal reactive power end product will non be affected by the electromotive force magnitude. Therefore, it exhibits changeless current features when the electromotive force falls below the bound. The steady province power exchange between the accountant and the AC system is largely reactive, as active power is merely consumed to provide for the internal losingss. Fig 4.2 Basic construction of STATCOM Figure 4.3 V-I features STATCOM can be controlled in two ways.Phase controlIn this technique the stage displacement I? is varied in order to command the STATCOM ‘s end product electromotive force magnitude.Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM )This technique allows the independent control of the magnitude of the end product electromotive force every bit good as the stage displacement that represents angle of the end product electromotive force. The control of DC electromotive force is separate from that of AC end product electromotive force.Synchronous Series Compensator ( SSSC )A synchronal electromotive force beginning that has a DC to AC inverter with gate turn off thyristor can be used for series compensation of transmittal lines. SSSC is reasonably similar to STATCOM as it involves DC capacitance fed electromotive force beginning input which generates a three stage electromotive force at cardinal frequence. This in bend is injected into the transmittal line with the aid of a transformer connected in seri es with the system.. What SSSC does is that it straight controls the current and indirectly controls the power flow by commanding the reactive power exchange between the SSSC and the AC system. It has got an advantage over another FACTS accountant called TCSC, which is that SSSC does n't endure from the resonance job that can be encountered in TCSC since it does non impact the electric resistance of the transmittal lines that much. Fig 4.4 Basic construction of SSSC Figure 4.4 shows the basic construction of SSSC. It shows a electromotive force beginning that produces an appropriate at the cardinal AC system frequence in series with the line to call off the electromotive force bead, Vc to some extent. The end product of synchronal electromotive force beginning is locked with the dawdling relationship to the current and it is so injected in series with the transmittal line. If injected electromotive force magnitude peers that of the line current, a series compensation tantamount to that provided by a series capacitance at cardinal frequence is acquired. Mathematically it can be represented as where Vc is the counterbalancing electromotive force phasor Iac represents the line phasor Ten is line impedence K is called grade of series compensation The chief thing is to command the rms magnitude Iac of the AC current and the rms magnitude Vc of the accountant ‘s AC electromotive force phasor in other words to command the reactive power injected or absorbed by the accountant. Assuming the reactance of matching transportation is negligible, the AC end product electromotive force can be straight controlled through the inverter electromotive force Vinv which can be controlled by bear downing or dispatching the capacitance. In steady province if the accountant is presenting reactive power, the stage displacement I? of the inverter electromotive force with regard to the AC current is -90 grades. On the other manus if the accountant is absorbing reactive power so the stage displacement of the inverter electromotive force with regard to the AC current becomes 90 grades. Hence we can alter the DC electromotive force Vdc and the corresponding inverter end product electromotive force Vin merely by changing the stage displacement par ametric quantity that would bear down or dispatch the capacitance. Fig 4.5 Operation of SSSC Figure shows the operation of SSSC. By presuming that the injected electromotive force in series with the line can be achieved if the DC energy storage has infinite capacity, the electromotive force stage angle can be chosen individually of the line current over 360 grades with the magnitude that is between 0 and Vc soap. This means that the synchronal electromotive force beginning must be able to bring forth and absorb both the existent and reactive power. The accountant is responsible for the production of the reactive power whereas the existent power comes from the DC energy storage device. This storage device besides generates a small active power that is merely plenty to get the better of the accountant losingss.A Time FrameWeekAims1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUndertaking proposalAAAAAAAAAAAAAFACTS executionAAAAAAAAAAAAAMarket theoretical account SimulationAAAAAAAAAAAAAFACTS in market theoretical accountAAAAAAAAAAAAAConsequencesAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnalysisAAAAAAAAAAAAADecisionAAAAAAAAAAAAARecommendationsAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Friday, November 8, 2019
rebellion essays
rebellion essays Rebellion in the Fifties During the Fifties the United States was filled with confidence but at the same time insecurity. The United States emerged from WWII as a global superpower and a symbol for freedom. The United States saw its role in world affairs as the protector of free countries from communism. The fear of communism expansionism during the fifties was a major issue. Communism represented radical thinking and ideas, a shift away from conservatism thinking or a shift away from the center, to a shift towards the edge. During the Fifties the fear of communism spreading in America gave rise to movements such as McCarthyism and the House on un-American Activities (HUAC). These movements represented the feelings of Americans towards communism at the time, they represented fear and the way to contain their fears was to weed out the bad seeds. These movements created a shift towards the center again, towards conservatism. This trend towards the center or conservatism can be seen in all aspects of American life. Not only was conservatism evident in the Fifties, but also rebellion. The push to be conservative and persecute individualism was an immense undertaking that it created fear and out of that fear came rebellion. In any controlled environment, such as the one the United States created for itself during the Fifties, there is bound to be some kind of tension or rebellion, rebellion against the pressure of being normal or conservative. There was a great deal of stress being placed on being just like everyone else. The voice of the rebellion was usually the entertainers, artists, or writers. Many of these people expressed their feelings about current issues by disguising it in their stories, movies or, paintings. Many of these people challenged the politics of the mainstream or the center. However there were works done that supported the shift towards the center and conservatism. Three wor...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Netflix Ipo Essay Example
Netflix Ipo Essay Example Netflix Ipo Paper Netflix Ipo Paper Netflix launched its website in April of 1998, offering customers online rentals and sales of DVDs. Netflix experienced rapid growth; revenues grew from USD 1. 4 million in 1998 to USD 152. 8 million in 2002. Netflix’s strong record of executing on its core principals – value, convenience and selection – enabled the company to win subscribers at a much faster rate than directly competing online services. After Netflix had its first positive cash flow in the fourth quarter of 2001; Company’s management decided to embark in a second IPO process. Netflix’s management decided to pursue a public offering given the need to raise additional capital in order to sustain and grow the business. However, there are some internal and external factors that can affect a company’s decision to pursue a public offering: The main internal factor is the funding concern, in order to sustain and grow the business, a company has different alternatives of funding; an IPO allows a company to raise equity, which does not negatively impact the leverage ratios. The market environment. This external factor affects the price of the share and the underwriting offers that a company can obtain through a public offering process. Selecting a lead underwriter is an important decision for a company who is pursuing an IPO; it is important that the underwriter offer the company what they are looking for in terms of price and dollar amount. The company is looking for an underwriter who has a good reputation, set of skills and ability to complete the underwriting. The amount of leverage that the company has towards ensuring the underwriter follows through on the company’s expectations is determined by how much business the company can bring after the offering; in other words, the more potential businesses the company can bring, the more the bank is going to take care of them. One important part of the offering process is the writing of the Prospectus, we consider that this document should be written by the underwriter, because of their expertise and distance from the company while the company should approve the final document before presenting it to the audience which are potential investors. The issuance of directed shares can be used to benefit other lines of business and should not be used. The underwriter can use these directed shares to persuade companies to offer them potential future business, which would be a conflict of interest. While the impact is not harmful to the IPOing company, it is harmful to potential investors because the fairness of the markets has been removed. If the company does decide to offer directed shares, they should be issued to the entire group and percentages should be determined by some rational measure. Let’s take vendors as an example. If the company is going to provide directed shares to their vendors, the company should offer directed shares to all of their vendors and the percentages should be determined by something like percentage of sales. The main group that should receive directed shares is the employees of the company. The employees are stakeholders of the company and they should be rewarded for their efforts in helping to get the company to this point. If Netflix’s management decides not to inform the â€Å"popcorn incident†to Merril Lynch, it could affect the trust with the investment community. We consider that the company should inform Merril Lynch about this incident, asking them for a delay in the IPO process; we consider that while this could affect the IPO process, it is a short term impact, but the loss of trust with the investment community could be a lifetime impact. The next step for the management is to call the Popcorn Company, explain the situation and ask them for a hold in the launch of the new product to the market; in parallel the company can fix the problem with the movie companies in order to get the licenses to commercialize the products. The movie companies may be able to give Netflix a small bye on this if Netflix can give them something in the future; if the management solves this problem, than it is a non-impact to the pricing discussion. The company’s and the underwriter’s incentives when it comes to the pricing of the offering are different. Company management wants the highest possible price; however the underwriter wants to complete the sale of all shares, so a lower, more confident price is better for them. The manager can influence the pricing decision during the presentations in the road show; given that the pricing is ultimately decided by market demand; so if the management wants to improve pricing, they should do a good job on the road show to demonstrate the potential of the company.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The African National Congress and the South African Communist Party Essay
The African National Congress and the South African Communist Party - Essay Example The relationship between the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party was not always close, especially in the periods starting 1940 to 1950, when the ANC started considering the SACP as a party advancing foreign ideology (SAHO, n.d. web.) . This feeling strongly emanated after Nelson Mandela made a tour throughout Africa, meeting various leaders from different countries in the African continent, whose countries had achieved independence by then (Mandela, 2008 p49). The African leaders perceived the communist ideology, as advocated for by the SACP as anti-African, and more of a foreign ideology, which was perceived to be incongruent with the African ideology of democracy and total independence from the colonialists. Therefore, most of the African leaders were confused by the association of the ANC with the SACP, which they considered unusual, since the SACP was constituted by most foreigners, and its ideologies were not perceived as purely African (Mandela, 2008 p102). Another issue that strained relationship between the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party is its perceived relations with the USSR. Most of the members of the ANC were highly skeptical about working with the SACP, due to the fact that it was not regarded as based on the African ideology, thus raising concerns among the members of the ANC regarding how the other African countries would perceive the working relationship between the ANC and the SACP.... Another issue that strained relationship between the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party is its perceived relations with the USSR. Most of the members of the ANC were highly skeptical about working with the SACP, due to the fact that it was not regarded as based on the African ideology, thus raising concerns among the members of the ANC regarding how the other African countries would perceive the working relationship between the ANC and the SACP. Secondly, there was the issue of concern regarding how the western countries would relate with South Africa, through the consideration of the working relationship between the ANC and the SACP, which was perceived to be USSR oriented, thus creating suspicion that the western countries would not want to work with such a party. Such members of the ANC suspected that the western countries would withdraw their support for South Africa, due to its association with communism (Mandela, 2008 p87)2. Thus, some members of th e ANC would cause conflict, to ensure that the two parties did not work together. Therefore, there has been a long deal of strained relationship between the ANC and the SACP, which ranges from the liberation struggle period, to the post-independence and modern day relationship. Nevertheless, the relationship between the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party has not always been strained and suspicious. There are times when the two parties have had long periods of cordial working relationships, both in the liberation struggle period, and the post-independence period. The cordial and strong positive relationship between the African National Congress and the South African Communist
Friday, November 1, 2019
In relation to one particular country, critically assess the claim Essay
In relation to one particular country, critically assess the claim that the roadmap progresses the EU gender - Essay Example But soon EU has realised the need also to improve the quality of lives among the constituents of the European Union. On May 1, 1999, the Amsterdam Treaty was enforced and that signaled EU's predilection to give importance to the rights of individuals as well as to render them justice, individual security and freedom. Suddenly EU felt it is its role to be at the vanguard for the protection of their human rights as well as to eliminate discrimination against them by reason of race, color, sex, religion and age (Eur-Lex 2008). Signing the European Convention on Human Rights then became a condition for membership to the EU and all member States must accede to the provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights which became enforceable when the Lisbon Treaty was formally signed on December 13, 2007 (Europa 2007). As an offshoot of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Roadmap For The Equality Between Men and Women was adopted by EU on March 1, 2006, which aim is to promote gender equality throughout the European Union. This Roadmap for Equality Between Men and Women must be fleshed out because equality between men and women is specifically provided for in the 1993 Treaty of Maastricht which established the European Community. This treaty provision must be enforced so as to give life to the Charter and thus make it a powerful document that rules the lives of the EU constituents and not merely inserted there for the heck of it or to serve as decoration to add words to the volume of the provisions of the Treaty (The Treaty of Maastricht 1993). Article 2 specifically provides "The community shall have as its promote throughout the community..equality between men and women. Article 3 section 2 further provided, "In all the activities referred to in this article, the community shall aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women". Article 141 is more specific with its provisions as it exhorts "equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal v alue". It also defined the meaning of the provision"equal pay without discrimination based on sex". That it is imperative that the Roadmap must be established is clearly specified in article 141 section 3, whereby it stipulates that "the Council acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in article 251..shall adopt measures to ensure the application of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, including the principle of equal pay for equal work over work of equal value". Article 141
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