Thursday, August 27, 2020
Legal Research Assessment
Lawful Research Assessment Question 1 Could Vincents safety crew be offered capacity to give fixed punishment sees for clutter? Issues What is a fixed PND? Who legitimately can issue? How does this apply to these specific realities? Exploration Lexis Halsburys Laws of England †look â€Å"penalty notice for disorder†Result †639 Directions as to Defendants great character †reference to Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 s2(1) Search Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 s2(1) †Part 1 arrangements with Provisions for Combating Crime and Disorder and inside this segment 2 with Penalty Notices S2(1) â€Å"a constable who has motivation to accept that an individual matured [10] or over has carried out a punishment offense may give him a punishment notice in regard of the offence.†Note subordinate enactment Penalties for Disorderly Behavior (Amendment of Minimum Age) Order 2004, SI 2004/3166 no reference to under-age consumers in the realities so not following up further Checking on rest of Part 1 and taking note of that under s(4) a â€Å"penalty notice†is characterized as â€Å"a notice offering the opportunity†¦to release any risk to be indicted for the offense to which the notification relates.†S(1) records offenses prompting punishments on the spot and noticing that these incorporate â€Å"being alcoholic in an expressway, other open spot or authorized premises†, â€Å"disorderly conduct while alcoholic in an open place†and â€Å"behaviour prone to cause badgering, caution or distress†Halsburys Laws of England 542 punishment notification and punishments Halsburys Laws 543 arrangements with strategy Accordingly gives the idea that notwithstanding the police â€Å"accredited persons†might have the option to issue PNDs subject to specific exemptions. Westlaw Scanning for Police Reform Act 2002 s41 †accreditation under network security accreditation plans Applies where under s(1) a central official of police has gone into courses of action with a business for the reasons for doing network wellbeing capacities Schedule 5 sets out the forces that might be given on â€Å"accredited person†Under s41 (4) boss official of police must be fulfilled that (a) the business is a â€Å"fit and legitimate individual to supervise†[the completing of the capacity of the certify person], (b) the individual themselves is an appropriate individual to practice the forces (c) the individual is equipped for doing the capacity and (d) the individual has gotten sufficient preparing Under s41(5) boss official of police may charge an expense for considering and allowing applications Accreditation just applies while AP is representative of the individual with whom head of police has gone into the course of action and for indicated period, in spite of the fact that can be recharged. S40 Police Reform Act 2002 †network security accreditation plans †under s40(1) boss official of police of any police power may build up such a plan Business Link site Direction additionally found on the Home Office site at sees/212291 Essex Police site †subtleties of accreditation plot on â€Å"about us†page Question 2 Would male clients have any reason for activity against the Club for being charged double the extra charge of ladies on a Wednesday or Thursday night? Provided that this is true, where could this activity be impelled? Issues Is this sex separation? Where would proceedings be able to be brought? Exploration As referenced in reminder that took steps to whine to Equal Opportunities Commission †searched for its site. Goes under Equality and Human Rights Commission (EOC) at Fundamental enactment is the Equality Act 2010 which came into power 1 October 2010 and brought into one spot the divided existing laws against separation. Direction on EOC site propose that organizations need to stay away from unlawful separation which incorporates setting conditions †eg â€Å"ladies nights†would very likely fall into this. Says EA applies to both open and private divisions, Human Rights Act 1998 †to open bodies Likewise alluded to Human Rights Law and Practice, Third Edition Lexis Nexis 2009 †EHRC is non-departmental government body Lexis Equity Act 2010 s13 Direct segregation (1) An individual (An) oppresses another (B) if, in view of a secured trademark, A treats B less well than A treats or would treat others. s29 Provision of administrations, and so forth (1) An individual (a â€Å"service-provider†) worried about the arrangement of a support of the general population or a segment of people in general (for installment or not) must not oppress an individual requiring the administration by not furnishing the individual with the administration. (2) A specialist organization (An) unquestionable requirement not, in offering the support, oppress an individual (B)†(a) with regards to the terms on which An offers the assistance to B; (b) by ending the arrangement of the support of B; (c) by exposing B to some other weakness. Section 9 arrangements with requirement †s113 with procedures, 114 purview, 118 time limits and 119 cures. Significant focuses †get region court in territory where business based inside a half year of separation. Westlaw Equity Act 2010, Part 2 (4) and (11) â€Å"protected characteristic†incorporates sex. Ongoing news †Hall and Preddy case (unreported) †same sex couple who were not permitted to remain in quaint little inn got  £1,800 each in harms Question 3 Is Lucca qualified for the extra a half year leave? Provided that this is true, does Vincent need to keep his activity open for him? Issues What is the privilege to paternity leave? Can Lucca come back to a similar activity? Examination Westlaw Search â€Å"paternity leave††Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/1055) came into power 6 April 2010. Under Employment Rights Act 1996 prerequisite to make guidelines qualifying fathers for paternity leave †2 back to back a long time inside 56 days of birth. Work and Families Act 2008 embedded s80AA and 80BB into ERA †reference to standard and extra leave. Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002/2788 offered qualification to about fourteen days paternity leave. Extra Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/1055) Additional paternity leave where kid due on or after 3 April 2011 †as long as a half year and qualified for come back to same employment after leave. Inward Report Reminder From: Trainee To: Supervising Partner Date: 30.03.11 Re: Vincent Grubnic, overseeing executive of the Vortex, Night-Club Dear Supervising Partner Much obliged to you for your notice dated 29.03.11 in which you mentioned I direct some exploration in front of your gathering with Vincent Grubnic next Thursday, concentrating especially on the accompanying issues: 1. Could Vincents safety crew be offered capacity to give fixed punishment sees for clutter? 2. Would male clients have any reason for activity against the Club for being charged double the extra charge of ladies on a Wednesday or Thursday night? Provided that this is true, where could this activity be actuated? 3. Is Lucca qualified for the extra a half year leave? Provided that this is true, does Vincent need to keep his activity open for him? Outline According to give 1 Vincent can apply to the nearby police power for accreditation for his safety faculty to be enabled to give punishment takes note. According to give 2 almost certainly, the advancement portrayed would fall foul of sex segregation law and the complainant could get procedures the province court and conceivably be granted harms. In this manner it is prudent that the advancement is changed. Comparable to give 3 almost certainly, Lucca will be qualified for the extra leave and, if his activity isn't held open for him, there is a danger of Lucca bringing a business guarantee. Issue 1 Fixed punishment sees for scatter The beginning stage is the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (CJPA), Part 1 of which manages Provisions for Combatting Crime and Disorder. This enactment made the force for the police to give punishment sees for specific offenses. A â€Å"penalty notice†is characterized as â€Å"a notice offering the opportunity†¦to release any risk to be sentenced for the offense to which the notification relates†. Thusly an individual given a punishment notice, accepting they choose for pay the predetermined sum, won't be indicted for the offense point by point in the notification. Assuming, be that as it may, they don't pay the predefined sum they are probably going to be accused of the offense and might be sentenced. The offenses which may prompt on-the-spot punishments incorporate â€Å"being alcoholic in a roadway, other open spot or authorized premises†, â€Å"disorderly conduct while alcoholic in an open place†and â€Å"behavior prone to cause badgering, alert or misery .†The measure of the punishment is determined by request of the Secretary of State with the fixed sum for the majority of the recorded offenses being  £80, or  £40 in the event of individual under 16. The notification must incorporate determined subtleties including the supposed offense, the conditions wherein it happened and the people option to approach to be gone after for the supposed offense instead of paying the fixed sum. At first, under CJPA, it was imagined that punishment notification would be given by the police . In any case, this was later augmented to incorporate Police Community Support Officers just as individuals authorize under a network accreditation conspire . The Police Reform Act 2002 (PRA) made the force for the central official of a police power to set up a network accreditation conspire. Under such a plan, a â€Å"accredited person†has comparative forces to the police to give sees and in this manner the central official must be fulfilled that that their manager is fit to regulate them completing their job,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cellular Reproduction :: science
Cell Reproduction Cell Reproduction is the procedure by which every single living thing produce new life forms comparable or indistinguishable from themselves. This needs to happen in such a case that an animal types couldn't recreate, that species would immediately get terminated. Multiplication comprises of an essential example: the change by a parent life form of crude materials into posterity or cells that will later form into posterity. The conceptive procedure, regardless of whether agamic or sexual consistently includes a trade in innate material from the guardians with the goal that the new life form may likewise have the option to recreate. Regenerative procedures can be classified into either agamic generation or sexual proliferation. Agamic propagation is any type of multiplication that doesn't require the association of male and female regenerative material (sperm or egg). Most single celled living beings imitate by the abiogenetic procedure known as splitting, which is usually called mitosis. Parting is The parting of a core into two generally a balance of joined by the arrival of an entirely enormous measure of vitality. Interphase, the main period of the cell cycle and furthermore the stage before mitosis, begins when the cell is conceived. Interphase is separated into three stages, G1, S, and G2. During the G1 stage, the phone increments in mass with the exception of the chromosomes, which remain the equivalent. Protein amalgamation is additionally happening during this stage. In the event that a cell doesn't separate further, it stays in the G1 stage. Next is the S stage, in which the mass of the cell keeps on expanding, and DNA is copied, and afterward the chromosomes separate. During the G2 period of Inte rphase, the phone turns out to be twofold its mass during childbirth, the chromosomes start to abbreviate and curl, and the centrioles show up, the phone is presently prepared to go into mitosis. In the primary period of mitosis, prophase, the chromosomes become obvious and the centrioles split down the middle and afterward move to inverse sides of the cell. Now chromosomes have framed into two chromatids isolated by a structure called a centromere. Axle filaments are scarcely noticeable. During metaphase, the second period of mitosis, the two chromatids line up along the equator of the phone. Every chromatid has its own axle fiber. Next comes the third period of mitosis, Anaphase, in which the centromeres break down the middle, making every one of the two chromatids begin to be pulled to various sides of the cell.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why is it Important to Get Paid to Write Essays Online?
Why is it Important to Get Paid to Write Essays Online?Many people would probably ask 'Why is it important to get paid to write essays online?' However, the answer to this question will vary from person to person. It can depend on several factors.If you do not have to get up very early in the morning, you do not need to go for an extra shift. The time you need to spend in order to produce essays online is enough to make your work complete. With that said, you must also bear in mind that the number of people you are writing for might be a bit limited. This is due to the fact that you will only need a handful of people to read your essays before they are accepted by many different people. If you already have a fairly large group of clients, the writer's rates will obviously be much higher.Another reason why it is important to get paid to write essays online is because there is no real way to differentiate between what your work is really worth. With that said, you are required to leave a link to the companies in your report, and they will judge your work as they see fit. If they see that you really tried your best, they will be willing to give you a higher rate. In other words, if you do not have enough quality work to present, you will probably not get paid anything at all.If you want to earn money on the Internet, you should try to be updated with everything that happens in the Internet world. You should know the various ways you can make money online. You should know how to market yourself and your work, and you should also know how to market your client. This will help you learn how to promote yourself as well as your work.Writing assignments will usually be created by you, and you should never sign a non-disclosure agreement for writing assignments that are offered to you. This is because, often times, the people who are offering you the assignment are more than willing to make their work available to the public. If you are offered a job that has work for yo u to do for free, do not sign that non-disclosure agreement. You can always sell the work you create at a later date if you like.When you are working on writing assignments, it is important to keep track of what you are doing. This is so you can remind yourself what you have been doing and how to do things differently. Doing the same thing over again is how you can develop a 'coherent' style of writing. This will result in a better work and a better resume.If you want to get paid to write essays online, then you should know that the process will take time. You should also know that you cannot expect to get rich doing this. However, it is possible for you to increase your income, and you can also learn about a lot of skills that you could use in your future career.If you want to know more about getting paid to write essays online, then you should find a few websites that will give you more information. It will also give you tips that will help you learn more about writing.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 958 Words
Cannabis is a drug nearly as popular as alcohol and is usually smoken with tobacco or eaten. In many countries, possession and use of cannabis, also commonly known as marijuana is considered illegal. Nevertheless, today, some countries have legalized cannabis while other countries have not. In particular, small quantities of cannabis have been allowed in regions such as Europe, North America and South America (Gardner and Anderson,2012). Moreover, in the United States, states such as Washington or Colorado have also legalized the possession and usage of marijuana for medical reasons ( Siegel and Worrall, 2014). As in yet, numerous penalties are set for use or possession of cannabis in most countries. In this essay I am going to identify and evaluate arguments why marijuana should be legalized, and why it should be not. By some, cannabis should be legal because it is used for medical purposes, and its legalization means better quality health standards. A great example for this argument is a drug called Sativex, which has been found to cure Multiple Sclerosis (Parnham and Bruinvels, 2005). Aforementioned medication has been used in the United Kingdom to treat patients suffering from MS, and it has been found to work effectively. Therefore, banning of cannabis would be a disadvantage to people who suffer from diseases that use cannabis as a major component in their medicine. The usage of cannabis for medical purpose is the strongest reason to legalize it. Use of cannabis alsoShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words  | 4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana†1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high†or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana†1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words  | 6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words  | 5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.  Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words  | 5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high†feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words  | 6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot†smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words  | 5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words  | 6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words  | 7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the medical si de of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this wouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?985 Words  | 4 PagesLegalize Marijuana Despite what people believe about marijuana, it hasn’t once proved to be the cause of any real issue. It makes you wonder what the reason as to why there is a war on drugs. Why is marijuana the main concern? Since the time that alcohol and tobacco became legal, people wonder why marijuana isn’t legal yet. The fact that marijuana is illegal is mainly caused by the amount of money, jobs, and pride invested in the drug war. Once the government starts anything, they stick to it. At
Friday, May 15, 2020
Cultural Revolution And Its Effects On Chinese Economic...
Cultural Revolution, refers to a political movement that leads by Mao Zedong during May 1966 to October 1976. The original intention for Cultural Revolution is to prevent the restoration of capitalism. Mao want to clean the force who block the development. However, because of the failure leadership, this movement goes to a wrong way and become out of control. This ten years revolution seriously impact Chinese economic and development, it gives Communist Party and its people a big damage: school closed, factories shut down; students recruit for the â€Å"Red Guard†, they took to the streets to against democracy; millions of people involved into this revolution. It is a painful memories to Chinese. Today, some people prefer to call this revolution â€Å"Civil War†. Its influence until now. It is a war between Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. Their struggle for power makes Chinese culture remains stagnant and fell far behind the world, and even go backwards. The fuse of this revolution is a historical article named â€Å"Hai Rui Dismissed from Office†which written by Wu Han. Hai Rui is an honest official of Ming Dynasty. He is outspoken and criticize the emperor thus he dismissed from office. Yao Wenyuan write an article and published on newspaper to criticize this play has serious reactionary tendencies can affect masses. Who also has same opinion with him named Jiang Qing. She is the wife of Mao Zedong and she is an ambitious woman who want to get the highest power. And on her speech inShow MoreRelatedModernization Of The Chinese Government And Democracy Essay1484 Words  | 6 PagesModernization of the Chinese Government and Democracy In the past 35 years, China has experienced significant transformation and modernization of its democracy and governance. This modernization process was brought by the death of Mao Zedong, the founding father of the People’s Republic of China and the Chairman of the country’s Communist Party since 1943. Prior to his death, Chairman Mao had started a Cultural Revolution in 1966 in attempts to revive socialism in the country and eliminate capitalisticRead MoreMao Zedong : Chinese Cultural Revolution868 Words  | 4 Pages In 1966 Mao Zedong started the Chinese Cultural Revolution that would change the economic climate of China for generations to come. Mao’s goal for the Cultural Revolution was to create a clever organization of the masses that would in turn lead to increased productivity starting with the youth. Unfortunately this mobilization of the masses led to massive destruction as things spiraled out of control at a very fast rate due to Mao’s creation the Red Guard- an army of youths that would seek outRead MoreThe Chinese Communist Revolution Was A Negative Impact On The Political And Economic Development Of China1393 Words  | 6 PagesThe Chinese Communist Revolution had a negative impact on the political and economic development of China. It also had a positive and negative impact on the social development in China. This caused the revolution to fail to meet the people s needs. Before the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Zedong became the leader of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. After the Nationalist Party is created, the nationalists chase Mao and his rebels through china. This is known as the long march which unifiedRead MoreBenefits Of The Cultural Revolution884 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cultural Revolution had an enormous impact on the people of China From 1965 to 1968. The cultural Revolution is the name given to the Chinese Communist party’s attempt, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, to reas sert its authority over the Chinese government. The main goal of the revolution was simple: the Chinese Communist party wanted to reform the Chinese people so that they believed and followed the communist ideology of absolute social equality. The group of people that the CCP, underRead MoreThe Great Leap Forward By Mao Zedong1410 Words  | 6 PagesMay Fourth Movement seems as the start of the New Cultural Movement. This New Culture movement made a lasting impact on the following critical decades. And finally the PRC is established by the Communist Party by the leader of Mao Zedong. The developing of the economic and the level of people s life should be increasing. However, for the following decades, the left mistake had a rapid develop, the economic suffered a great backward, the great damage of the zoology, and people s life became worseRead More1967 Cultural Revolution of China1617 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Question: Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution? For instance, do you think the occurrence of the CR had any connections with the CCP s organizing principle and guiding ideologies, such as democratic dictatorship and the democratic-centralism, or was caused more by other reasons? Also, although many things people did during the Cultural Revolution look so absurd, irrational, and even cruel today, millions of Chinese, especially the Chinese youth seemed to be obsessed with the movement duringRead MoreThe era of Communist China and the Cultural Revolution963 Words  | 4 PagesThe era of Communist China and the Cultural Revolution (1949-1976) marked a significant period in the history of China. Ongoing conflict between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Nationalist Party, Kuomintang (KMT), led to the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949). In 1949, the CPC, who allied closely with the Soviet Union, defeated the Nationalist Party and took control of mainland China. CPC’s leader Mao Zedong established the People’s Republic of China which is also commonly known today as CommunistRead MoreMao Zedong Of The Communist Party Of China946 Words  | 4 PagesMao gathered a group of radicals such as Defense Minister Lin Biao to help him attack current party leadership to reassert the authority he had lost during the recent economic crisis and the Great Leap Forward. In 1966, Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966 – 1976). The goal of the movement was to purify Chinese society by upholdling only true Communist ideology. This was an attempt to revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in the civil war decades earlier andRead MoreUnderstanding How Social Change Has Affected Hong China1711 Words  | 7 Pagesa short period of time. This is mainly because of the changing climate in relation to a number of areas and perspectives. For instance, there are varied factors that have led to the changes that have been experienc ed in the social, political, and economic culture. Since 1949 there have been many changes in the social aspect in China. These changes are related to a number of events that will be explained in different sections. The Issues in Rural China In China, there have been profound changes especiallyRead MoreThe American Government s Involvements And Influences On The Internet1619 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican government’s involvements and influences in the Internet compare to Chinese government? Thesis: The United States’ government had played the most important role of developing Internet, and did a great contribution certainly. However, Chinese government had a very different attitudes with American government for Internet at last century when Internet started developing because of some domestic factors. Later, Chinese government changed its attitudes and behaviors. The Internet began developing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modern Day Slavery Is An Appalling Evil - 1788 Words
Modern day slavery is an appalling evil that is lurking beneath the shadows of the 21st century. Most people assume that slavery has been abolished and no longer exists in modern day society; however, many men, women, and children are subjected to forced labor and the sex trade industry. One of the places where this is most prominent is in an island off Southeast Asia, called the Philippines. The Philippines is a destination and transit country for men, women, and children who are subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. This forced harboring and exploitation of humans is defined as human trafficking. Based on the definition given by the Trafficking in Persons Protocol, there are three constituent elements involved in human trafficking. These three elements include the acts, the means, and the purpose. Recruitment, transportation, and harboring are all involved in the acts or what is done during human trafficking. The abuse of power, giving payments or benefits to contro l a person, fraud, and use of force all encompass the how it is done, or the means. The purpose of exploitation includes forced prostitution, labor, sexual exploitation, slavery or any other similar practices (â€Å"Human Trafficking†). A great majority of the human trafficking that occurs in the Philippines is controlled by organized crime organizations and complicit law enforcement officers who operate through fraudulent recruitment agencies and traffic migrants (â€Å"Philippines†). TheseShow MoreRelatedThe Republic Of Haiti Versus The French Republic1963 Words  | 8 Pagesexactly to approach these Haitians in open rebellion due to the fact that the Haitian battle cry for freedom resonated with the French being that they had just overcome their monarchy in the French Revolution from the same tyrannies as oppression and slavery of the people by the rich. 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The well-meaning rush to unmake evil deeds by hiding them from the critical eye of modern sensibilities does nothing to honor the people who lived and struggled in those different times (Walker 28). Sunflower’s existence may be news to younger generations of Disney fans, but she has been here all along, and herRead MoreThe Road by Cormac McCarthy and Blindness by Jose Saramago Essay3315 Words  | 14 PagesIn all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in sheer poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of these situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and ov er again. Many of these people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever they can to get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto their moralsRead MoreA comparision of the degree of Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.5322 Words  | 22 Pages or completely overlooked the problem. This may have been because they have been subjected to prejudice for such a long time, that they are starting to feel that what is stated in the table is true; they only deserve the decaying books. This is appalling and clearly encourages the reader to condemn the prejudice highlighted to them. The government is likely to consist of those from white society and therefore what is even more scandalous, but not surprising, is the fact that the Board of EducationRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words  | 39 Pagesfiction. The first readers of both, Dickens and Eliot were not conscious they lived in the ‘Victorian period’. They thought that this was a modern era marked with turbulent transition. However, the most crucial writers of the period grew up in the earlier years, and had been influenced by the age of English Romanticism. Therefore, although Victorian was modern, materialist, factual and concerned with ‘things as they are’, Romantic, associated with Gothic, melodramatic, idealistic influenced the way
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Apple Inc. Logistics and Operations Management
Question: Discuss that which phone Apple Inc. is planning to launch with a powerful six-inch display. Answer: Introduction Apple Inc. is planning to launch the strongest phone with a powerful six-inch display. This is the best ever phone designed by the company and it is going to be beneficial for the tech-savvy people (Stein et al. 2016). The device has been updated with matte-finished edges, gorgeous metallic finishes and a beautiful logo of the company made of stainless steel. The design of the product gives it a lavishing look and it is going to be the Unique Selling Proposition of the product. The product is named Apples Next and it is a perfect match for the people of the next generation. It has the features of a six-inch retina display, faster Wi-Fi and LTE, Live Photos, advanced iTunes, 64-bit A9 chip with a co-processor of M9 motion. The co-processor is used in iPhone 6, as well as, in iPhone 6S. However, the microprocessor has been modified for the individuals to explore a new world of technology (Moerman, 2012). This product is going to be the best in the world with exceptional features and th e product will have the best camera in the global sector. The i-Sight camera of 14-megapixel will fascinate the users with a completely new experience (iMore 2014). Details It is very important for the organisation to design its product in a different way. The organisation is quite successful in delivering new products and services to the users with excitingly new and fascinating features. The users love the iPhones because of their exceptional features. The new product Apples Next has followed the trend of the iPhones and has a promising feature of satisfying the potential customers. The company has decided to name it as Apples Next to give it an exceptional advantage. The users will be aware of the additional advantages of the product and hence, buy them for their advantage. The product has a compact design and it is best suited for the people who love large phones. It has a classy outlook and will be preferred by businesspersons, office-goers and teenagers. It is going to be the strongest phone with a powerful battery backup. The battery will last for a long period and the phone will not be affected if it falls down. The display of the phone will hav e a powerful gorilla glass and it will protect the device from scratches and other disturbances. The 64-bit chip of the phone will provide the customers with three times faster GPU performance and two times faster CPU performance compared to iPhone 5s. It has a similarity with the newly introduced product iPhone SE (The Times of India 2016). However, the difference lies in the display and the camera quality of the phone. The applications of the product have the capability to run at low power and this would enhance greater life to the battery of the phone. It has built-in apps like FaceTime, Messages, Maps, Music and Photos ( 2016). In spite of its large body, the phone is sleek and thin and this will be acceptable by the potential users of the product. Aims and Objectives The product aims at providing the best experiences to the potential users of the product. It has some exceptional features. The product is going to be better than the iPhones produced by the company. The company has experienced a slight fall in its market in the past few years because of the innovation of technology (Nagamia 2015). The number of competitors has increased in the potential market. Therefore, the company has thought of introducing the product Apples Next, which has got some exceptionally brilliant features to satisfy the customers. The features of the product will help the company to attract new customers and retain the existing customers. The product aims at increasing the market share of the company and regaining the position of the company in the target or the potential market. The product wants to provide the best camera experience to the users. It has an advanced 14-megapixel iSight camera, which features the technology of Focus Pixel for fast focusing. The custome rs are going to love the new features offered by the product and there lies the objective of the product. The company wants to satisfy its potential customers by providing them with a product offering exceptional features. Stages of Product The product will undergo the various stages in the product life cycle. Every product in the product life cycle has four stages namely the introduction stage, the growth stage, the maturity stage and the decline stage. The said product will also undergo the above-mentioned stages to provide a completely new experience to the potential customers. Introduction Stage- this stage is the most expensive stage of the company because the product Apples Next is going to be introduced in the market. The launching of the product will incur huge cost on advertising and other campaigns. The product will experience a new feeling in a particular stage. The product is going to gain its new customers and the customers are going to judge the features of the product. The market size of the product will be low and therefore, the product will have low sales (Stark 2015). The cost of things such as development and research, marketing and consumer testing is going to be very high, as it is a competitive sector. The product will have a tough fight with its predecessor iPhone SE(McGarry and McGarry 2016). Growth Stage- the product is supposed to benefit in the growth stage. The product will have many potential customers because of its exceptional features. This means that there will be an increase in the sales of the product. This will further increase the profit of the company (Hanks 2015). There will be an increase in the profit margin of the company. The product has the capability to increase the market and gain a competitive advantage in the potential market. The company can invest more money into the designing and the promotional activity of the product. This will further maximise the potential of the product in this stage. Maturity Stage- once the product reaches its maturity stage, the company will aim at maintaining the market share that has been built by the company. This is going to be the most competitive time for the company and the product (Kerzner 2013). The company needs to do wise investments to maintain the market share in the competitive market. It depends on the company to modify and re-design the product by looking at the sales figure. The product has some exceptional features, which have the capability to retain the existing customers. However, the company can also modify few application of the products according to the demands and needs of the potential customers. This can provide a competitive advantage to the product. Decline Stage- every product has to undergo the decline stage. This can be because of the market saturation or the customers will lose interest in the product (Nepal, Murat and Chinnam 2012). The decline stage can also prove beneficial for the company by switching to cheaper markets and production methods. Analysis Many people prefer bigger phones that have bigger display. Apples Next is going to have a six-inch display screen, which can be beneficial for the people preferring bigger phones. Phones have been in trend for almost seven years now and the demand of smartphones has increased at a significant rate. The product has some exceptional new features, which are going to be loved by the potential customers. The product features will help the product to enter new markets and gain high profits (Kirzner 2015). The product has everything that a customer expects from a product of Apple Inc. The A9 processor is three times faster than the processor in 5s. The 14-megapixel camera is going to provide its customers with the best photo experience. The camera also has the capability of capturing 4K video of High-Definition. The touch ID of the phone makes it different from the other products of the company. The starting price of the product is from $450. The product also has a 3D touch functionality, w hich is missing in its predecessor, iPhone SE. The technology is new and the design is exceptionally brilliant. The bigger display screen of the phone is going to provide the customers with the best experience. The videos are of high quality and it would look much better on the big screen. The iPhones 5 and 5s have been in trend for a long time. People had a demand for both the products because of their improved technology. The phones provided the customers with ultimate experience. However, the company wanted to do something different and increase its sales in the competitive market. The company has seen decreased sales after the launch of iphones 6 and 6s (NDTV 2016). Hence, Apple Inc. has thought of launching this new product in the target market to regain its market position and satisfy the potential customers. The product is a perfect match for the businesspersons, office-goers and the teenagers. Even the children going to school will have a fascination about thi s product. The product has exceptional gaming features that can attract children. The outstanding feature of the phone is the quality of camera. It is going to be the best camera in the world with exceptional features. The camera can record videos of 4K quality and high definition. This is the best feature offered by the company until date. Another amazing feature of the product is its strength. It is hard yet slim and sleek (Park, Ryu and Lee 2015). This provides a new outlook to the product and prevents the product from external damages. The display screen is made of gorilla glass, which can prevent the phone from additional shocks and scratches. The initial price of the product is $450 and therefore, high-class businesspersons can afford it. However, it can be a problem for the middle-class people, who can find it difficult to buy the product because of its high price. The company produces products for the people of the higher strata. Therefore, the product is perfect for the potential or the target customers (Rosenbaum-Elliott, Percy and Pervan 2015). The feat ures offered by the product are going to popularise the company and help it to regain its position in the potential market (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The slim look of the phone is going to attract many customers. The design of the product is exceptionally good and it has the capability to attract new customers and retain the existing customers (Tarrant et al. 2014). The product is going to have a tough competition with its predecessor iPhone SE ( 2016). It is because both the products have almost similar features with an exception of few features. The large screen and the 14-megapixel camera are the exceptional features of this product. The company can also modify the product according to the needs and demands of the customers. This will help the company to know the current trend of the market and help it to increase its sales in the target market. The company can also gain huge profit after the launching of the product. Conclusion At the end of the report, it can be concluded that the new product of Apple Inc. is going to have some exceptional new features that are going to be accepted by most of the people. The large screen and the camera feature are going to differentiate Apples Next from the other products of the company. The product can help the company to regain its position in the target market. The introduction stage of the product is going to be little expensive for the company, as the product needs to find out the potential customers. The product may experience low sales after its introduction. It can grow once the customers are aware of the features of the product. The maturity stage of the product can help the company to increase their sales and gain higher returns on investment. The product has the capability to attract new customers into the potential market. It is going to be the strongest phone ever built with exceptional features like longer battery life, best camera, and larger display and so on. References (2016).Apple - Press Info - Apple Introduces iPhone SE The Most Powerful Phone with a Four-inch Display. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2016]. 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Sunday, April 12, 2020
Computer Based Systems Essays - Systems Analysis, Diagrams
Computer Based Systems The system Development Cycle What is it? The system development cycle is a method used to create a system where none has existed before and/or modify an existing system. It is sometimes simply called System Development. It involves a number of stages representing a standard strategy for taking a problem from start to finish. Two approaches: 1. Conservative-working systematically through the steps. 2. Radical-Cycling through the cycle several times until the final result is achieved. The Steps The above diagram shows that the system development cycle is represented by 5 broad stages: -Requirements Definition. -Analysis. -Design. -Implementation. -Operation and Evaluation. Requirements Definition Also known as: Requirements analysis or.Feasibility study. -Duration is relatively short compared to the rest of the development cycle. -It is important to get it right the first time else mistakes could be costly. In the worst case a large oversight would require starting over from step one. Aim The aim of this stage is to see how the present system functions and to identify the nature of the problem (problem definition). once the problem has been identified a report is compiled called a feasibility report. that report contains - (1) Objectives of the initial study (e.g. why a mail order firm takes longer than a week to dispatch orders). (2) depth of the initial study (e.g. Were interviews conducted with staff involved). (3) recommendations including an outline of the proposed development (e.g. redesign current computer system). After studying the report management have three options - (a) get a second opinion (b) do nothing (c) follow recommendations. If the investigation confirms that there is a problem further work and study may be needed. Analysis Aim The aim of the analysis stage is to answer the questions who, what, when, why. The three main processes in system analysis are (1) Data gathering, (2) Detailed analysis, (3) Report on the above findings. Data gathering What tasks are occurring, who is performing them, when are the tasks being performed. A range if methods can be used to gather data including (1) Study current documentation. (2) Interview (3) Questionnaires (4) Observation. Questionnaires usually involve closed or open style questions. Questionnaires Closed questions limit responses e.g. tick a box, yes/no, multiple choice. Open questions allow free written response. Observations This involves a system analyst visiting the organization to view current procedures, channels of communication and the flow of data through the organization. Detailed analysis at this stage data is collated , organized and analyzed. At this stage the system analyst may have an idea as to the solution of the problem. A range of tools may be used to assist in the analyst process :- (1) organizational charts (2) Statistical graphs or charts (3) data flow diagrams (4) Flowcharts (5) Data dictionaries (6) decision trees (7) Gantt chart Organization Charts - Illustrates the structure of the organization pictorially and shows how responsibilities are allocated within the organization. Exercise: Create an organization chart for either - (1) The school (2) Some other organization you know. Statistical graphs Graphs such as a pie or bar chart are particularly useful in reporting the results of closed questions. A Pie chart is much easier to interpret than a set of numbers. Data Flow Diagrams -Illustrates the movement of data through a system e.g. Flowcharts -Similar to algorithms -It is an accepted convention that flowcharts should fit on a single page. If it doesn't it is divided into smaller modules (Stepwise Refinement.) Data Dictionaries A data dictionary is a catalogue or listening of data items used within the information system. It is used to manage information resources and is particularly useful when working with databases e.g. Decision tree table Grannt charts A grannt chart is used to illustrate the time line for the actual system developement process. Dates for specific stages are set and these are used to control the development process. Analysis Analysis examines the areas of input processing and output Input Method used to gather input: (1) frequency (2) quantity (3) accuracy (4) cost (5) who is involved? Processing (1) how data is processed (2) processing speed (3) frequency (4) quantity (5) accuracy (6) cost (7) who is involved Output Availability of output Analysis report This report should include: (1) statement of the problem. (2) summary of current procedures used by the firm. (3) summary of current problems. (4) problems solution including feasibility, requirements, cost and the effect on people involved. (5) a general specification and preliminary suggestion for a problem solution. Once again management may choose to get a second opinion
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Definition and Examples of an Antonym in English
Definition and Examples of an Antonym in English An antonym is a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word, such as hot and cold, short and tall. An antonym is the antonym of synonym. Adjective: antonymous. Another word for antonym is counterterm. Antonymy is the sense relation that exists between words which are opposite in meaning. Edward Finnegan defines antonymy as a binary relationship between terms with complementary meanings. Its sometimes said that antonymy occurs most often among adjectives, but as Steven Jones et al. point out, its more accurate to say that antonym relations are more central to the adjective classes than to other classes. Nouns can be antonyms (for example, courage and cowardice), as can verbs (arrive and depart), adverbs (carefully and carelessly), and even prepositions (above and below). Examples and Observations You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget.Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.Opposition and ParallelismFactors that contribute to particularly good antonym pairings may relate to more than just the two items semantic oppositeness; for instance, the pairing of increase and decrease is supported by their rhyme and the perception of a parallel morphology, as well as their semantic opposition.Three Types of AntonymsLinguists identify three types of antonymy: (1) Gradable antonyms, which operate on a continuum: (very) big, (very) small. Such pairs often occur in binomial phrases with and: (blow) hot and cold, (search) high and low. (2) Complementary antonyms, which express an either/or relationship: dead or alive, male or female. (3) Converse or relational antonyms, expressi ng reciprocity: borrow or lend, buy or sell, wife or husband. The Lighter Side of AntonymsA man in the Land of the Houyhnhnms,Had a large collection of antonyms;He would say, This is great!Theyre in pairs, so they mate,Unlike synonyms, and, of course, homonyms.(W. S. Brownlee) Pronunciation AN-ti-nim Source: Tom McArthur, Antonym. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford Univ. Press, 1992. Steven Jones et al., Antonyms in English: Construals, Constructions, and Canonicity. Cambridge University Press, 2012. Albert Einstein, The World As I See It, 1931. Cormac McCarthy, The Road. Knopf, 2006.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Perception of China as a Tourist Country Dissertation
Perception of China as a Tourist Country - Dissertation Example The research identified that Western tourists considered China as an economical place for tourism and the main problems encountered were lack of professionalism by the hotels’ employees, unavailability of Western food and insufficient facilities for Western tourists. Hence, it is recommended that the tourism authorities of China start revamping the image of China by doing marketing activities that will attract the tourists to the country and bringing desired changes in their tourism and hospitality industries. I am pleased to submit my dissertation on â€Å"Perception of China as a tourist country: Western tourists’ point of view†. During this phase of collection of data, its analysis, writing and designing the report, I have gained very useful knowledge and experience of writing an analysis. In addition, it helped join all my skills and abilities to produce the best report. I would like to offer my appreciation to respondents who took out time for filling the questionnaires and providing me the most valuable information. Furthermore, I would like to thank University of Bedfordshire for providing me this opportunity to work on such a report where I utilized my skills and learnt all the necessary theory related to my topic. And most of all we would like to thank University of Bedfordshire for providing me the access to digital library which gave us reliable and meaningful data. In the end, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, MR/MS., without his help and guidance, it was not possible to accomplish and complete the report. He provided me with the necessary teachings that really facilitated me during the writing of this report. The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries across the worldwide and it is one of the highly contributing industries in the country’s economic growth.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Leading Retailer Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Leading Retailer - Case Study Example The main aim of the company is to help people save money to help live better. The growth of the company over the years has been immense. The company pays a lot of attentions to the needs of the stakeholders and helps provide the stakeholders with the desired results. The biggest retailer in the world with over 971 discount stores, 2447 super centres, 132 neighborhood markets, and 591 Sam's clubs in the US, Wal - Mart has been able to very smoothly make its way to the top of the retailing industry. The company is spread over the 14 countries and employees almost over 2.1 million people. The company has made enormous revenue of over $378,799 million for the year - end January 2008. Being the largest retailer in the world, Wal - Mart is faced with a lot of competition and making all the happenings, issues, events etc of Wal -Mart always in the limelight (Money Central, 2008). The company works on the basic values which mainly revolve around the respect for individuals, service to customers and striving for excellence. The management of the company is said to be very efficient and the managers are known to be work by the values of the firm. However the company still faces a number of issues pertaining it employees, each of whom are known as associates in the company. The vision of the company is to become the leaders of the retail industry. This however can only be achieved by ensuring that the customers receive what they desire out of the company. The mission of the company highlights their constant need to improve the services provided to exceed customer expectations and to provide customers with reasonably priced goods of great quality. The company's basic va lues of respect for individuals, service to customers and striving for excellence speaks for itself. Wal - Mart has tried to ensure it reaches out to the majority of the American population and the major customer groups accounting to almost 23 percent belong to families where the annual income is lesser than $25,000. It was also noted that almost half of the customers of the superstore are blue-collar workers and most of the families are either unemployed or elderly (Featherstone, 2005). The Issues: Wal - Mart in some recent reports has been accused of not treating their employees fairly and making the employees work over the shift hours. The company has also been accused for paying the employees much lower than what they should receive. According to a number of reports the employees have actually disclosed the fact that they receive pays which are way below the minimum level of pay that has to be given to the employees. The company claims to give importance to the employee's growth and careers. The company's website claims to provide the employees with a competitive pay, skills development and health benefits for the employee and family. However a recent article in Business Week highlighted the fact that the company has been paying employees about $8.23 per hour, or $13,861 a year. This pay is well below the federal poverty line of $14, 630 for a family of three. Other
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Dance Review Essay Example for Free
Dance Review Essay The performance, â€Å"Dance Matters†was absolutely amazing. Walking into the theater I wasn’t quite sure of what to expect and was really excited to see the show. I got even more excited seeing that this performance was directed by my professor. There were four parts in the performance. Also, each of them had its own story and full of meaning. I was surprised and learned from the performance. I appreciated to have a chance seeing this amazing show. There was one part of the performance that attracted me a lot. When the curtain was rose, I saw dancers sitting on the chairs with their hands covering their faces expect the girl who was expressing herself. The voice was strong and full of passion which grabbed my full of attention. Through her strong beautiful voice, I felt her. She had so many stories to tell. Moreover, the strong feeling was turned into the movements. All dancers started moving their bodies with energies. All of their extensions and turns and leaps were perfect and they were all in sync. I noticed one thing that we learned in class, they constantly kept their bodies flowing and moving. Every movement connected to another one. Everyone danced to their full potential, there was no lagging from the dancers. I was very impressed and enjoy watching this performance. It was perfect that all the dancers were full of energies and every movement was perfectly presented. Generally, it was an amazing performance. Somehow, â€Å"Fragmented†was my favorite part in this performance.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
Hopelessness is an intense emotion every person feels at one point in their life, a feeling closely interlinked with depression and suicide. In the poems â€Å"It was not Death, for I stood up,†and â€Å"I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,†by Emily Dickinson and â€Å"No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief,†by Gerard Manley Hopkins, the theme of the poems is hopelessness, but the authors approach the theme differently in each poem. In the poem, â€Å"It was not Death, for I stood up,†Dickinson uses words to describe the sense of hopelessness she feels as she tries to pinpoint the source of her anguish. In the first two stanzas, she uses specific sensory details to convey her chaotic feelings to tell the reader what her condition cannot be. A repetition of â€Å"it was not†(1) is then followed by a reason of why she eliminated the possibility, using the senses of sound or touch. She merges together the conditions she had eradicated and through her chaotic state, her thoughts turn toward funerals. This causes her to think about her death and her current state of mind. She feels her â€Å"life were shaven†(13), so that the only emotions left were despair and terror with the feeling of hope lost. She also â€Å"could not breathe without a key†(15); terror does not directly affect a person’s breathing, but it sometimes causes a person to feel as if he were suffocating, unable t o breathe. Her â€Å"key†that she needs is to understand what she is feeling, but she cannot figure it out (15). The last stanza in the poem expresses an overwhelming feeling of bleakness, there is no opportunity for rescue, â€Å"like Chaos Stopless †¦ / Without a Chance†¦ / Or even a Report of Landâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ (21-23). In the last line, there is a paradox, that since there was no possibility of hop... already confused and chaotic mind, her thought process leads her to thinking about death and hopelessness of being healed. Hopkins’s poem starts out differently, with him thinking that there was nothing that could be worse than what he was going through, but in the process of searching for relief, he discovers there is no relief with death. His poem comes to the same conclusion as Dickinson’s, the hopelessness of having no cure to save them. The ending to Dickinson’s second poem is similar to this that after her descent into insanity, there is no hope for her of ever going back to reality. In these three poems, imagery plays a large part with helping the author describe their thoughts and situations, which increases the feeling the reader has because it seems more lifelike. The three poems begin at various places, but end with the revolving theme of hopelessness.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Lifespan Perspective Paper
Lifespan Perspective Paper Introduction This paper will discuss lifespan development and the theories associated with the study. Humans develop according to phases throughout their lives and this paper will address these phases and what to expect and when. People learn from mistakes made in the past and apply these lessons in order to improve their quality of life. The psychodynamic and evolutionary theories will be examined in detail. Also, the significant role of nature and nurture will be addressed.Lifespan Perspective of Development Lifespan development describes the growth that happens from the time an organism is conceived to the time of its death. A human undergoes a variety of changes throughout their lifetime: psychologically, physiologically, spiritually, and socially changes all occur. A mere fetus develops heart beat at around six weeks and from that point on, develops quickly over the remainder of the pregnancy. Each step in life people develop, little by little.Lifespan development provides us with the information necessary to understand the different phases of human life and with this information we are able to better understand what to expect from each phase (Berk, 2012). For example, children often fear the dark and require a night light to sleep, but overtime, this insignificant fear becomes less and less of a concern and eventually most children are able to sleep just fine without a night light. When a child realizes there is nothing to be afraid of, like there are not any monsters under the bed, he or she is able to sleep without the security of a night light.Understanding lifespan development is crucial and allows us to grasp the phases of life. And also, understand children and their needs for security and comfort. Young children often relay on the comfort of a pacifier or a blanket to calm them down or make them feel safe. Parents are able to understand their children and their needs with the help of lifespan development studies and thus, parents feel like they are able to be better mothers and fathers. There are four recognized phases of human lifespan. One, childhood and adolescence; two, early adulthood; three, middle adulthood; four, late adulthood.Natural progressions are expected to occur as a person ages. The study of lifespan development is important because it explains how and why people develop and what reasonable expectations should apply during this process (Berger, 2008). Lifespan Development at Work The study of lifespan development is significant factor in understanding the subject and provides people with many answers and has the ability of preventing people from repeating past mistakes. Over the years humans have monitored history and have used their research to prevent making similar decisions of the past that did not work out like they were intended to (Carson, 2000).For example, sunscreen is used to protect our skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays and ultimately, decrease the possibilities of skin cancer. Before the importance and knowledge of sunscreen was available people did not know the true dangers the sun presented and mostly did not protect their skin accordingly. As a result, many people who spent a lot of time outdoors in the 1970’s and 1980’s had a significantly increased rate of skin cancer. Many of these skin cancer victims did not know the dangers the sun presented and how wearing sunscreen could have decreased their risk.If this knowledge was readily available at the time it is almost guaranteed that a large percentage of these people who have worn sunscreen and possibly eliminate their chances of skin cancer all together. Now the threats of sun damage are widely known and discussed and there are a variety of sunscreen-type products on the market for consumers (Berk, 2012). People have learned from past mistakes that the sun does present dangers and can be harmful to our skin so it is important to wear sunscreen and take other appropriate precautio ns.Lifespan development is purposed partially on extending the life of man and as a part of that jaunting task, survival is required. Humans learn from mistakes that have been made in the past, as a part of their challenge to survive. Skin cancer kills some of its victims and therefore, the knowledge that skin cancer presents is crucial and allows people to take the appropriate measures to cut down their risks. This is one simple example of how people learn from history and use inventive ways to improve the future with the information acquired (Carson, 2000).Theories of Lifespan Development: Psychodynamic Behavioral, cognitive, contextual, evolutionary, humanistic, and psychodynamic are the six widely accepted theories pertaining to lifespan development psychology (Berger, 2008). Both Eric Erickson and Sigmund Freud did expansive studies on the psychodynamic theory. In Freud’s studies he focused on the inner being of a person and the unconscious forces that create personality and behavioral traits. His beliefs are that events, like memories and feelings that occur inside of us help motivate our personality and the way in which we behave.Memories are usually positive or negative and conflicts arise from negative memories and thus, creating a feeling that something should not be repeated in order to avoid a negative outcome. The psychodynamic theory focuses on three aspects of human personality: ego, superego, and id. Along with personality, this theory focuses on psychosexual development as well (Carson, 2000). Theories of Lifespan Development: Evolutionary The Evolutionary Theory of lifespan development is another interesting take on the study originally theorized by Charles Darwin and Konrad Lorenz.This theory focuses on evolution and how it specifically relates to human lifespan development. Over the years, a process of natural selection takes place and as a result humans adapt to their environments. Traits are acquired and sometimes altered by specie s in order to thrive. Darwin and Lorenz focus on how heredity influences development and how behavior is a result of our genetic inheritance. Studies that are connected with this theory show a relationship between family members and certain diseases and illnesses (Berk, 2012). For example, mental illness often runs in family histories and can be tracked through heredity.Heredity and the Environment Nurture versus nature is a discussion commonly associated with lifespan development. Environmental factors play a role in how a person develops, but heredity is passed down through a process of inheritance. A child may be born into a poverty-stricken home and raised to live in fear. A socioeconomic situation like this can lead to a life of crime in order to make ends meet. This environment has significant affects on the development of a person, but environments can be changed, if a person is willing to take the necessary steps.Now if a child is born into a family with a history of mental illness the child has a chance of developing a related illness (Berger, 2008). For example, if the child’s mother has schizophrenia and the child demonstrates symptoms of the disease at an early age and eventually is diagnosed with the disease, this is an act of nature. It is possible to earn a degree, get a better job, and move up to a middle class area, but it is not possible to undo heredity and no longer be schizophrenic. Nature and nurture both play a significant role in lifespan development and have equal importance in the lives of people (Carson, 2000).Conclusion In conclusion, lifespan development describes the growth that happens from the time an organism is conceived to the time of its death. Throughout these years, people develop in phases that can be observed as a result of the study of lifespan development (Berger, 2008). Human beings have learned about the different phases of development and have discovered new ways to do things to guarantee a higher quality of life. Watching history and mistakes that were made in the past are one of the ways the human species thrives and is able to withstand the test of time (Carson, 2000).The psychodynamic and evolutionary theories explain specific thoughts associated with lifespan development (Berk, 2012). Nature versus nurture is controversial debate that can be seen all throughout the study of psychology and many characteristics humans develop References: Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span (7th ed. ). New York, NY: Worth  Publishers. Berk, L. E. (2012). Infants and children: Prenatal through middle childhood (7 ed. ). Allyn & Bacon. Carson, R. C. (2000). Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. Retrieved June 25, 2012, from,http://www. abacon. com, p85.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Why School Culture Matters and Strategies to Improve It
Why School Culture Matters I recently read a quote by Dr. Joseph Murphy, Associate Dean at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education, which really spoke to me. He said, â€Å"Seeds of change will never grow in toxic soil. School culture matters.†This message has stuck with me for the past several weeks as I have reflected on the past school year and look to move forward towards the next. As I examined the issue of school culture, I wondered how one would define it. Over the past few weeks, I have formulated my own definition. School culture includes an atmosphere of mutual respect amongst all stakeholders where teaching and learning are valued; achievements and successes are celebrated, and where ongoing collaboration is the norm.  Dr. Murphy is 100% correct in both of his assertions. First, school culture does matter. When all stakeholders have the same goals and are on the same page, a school will flourish. Unfortunately, toxic soil can keep those seeds from growing and in some cases create virtually irreparable damage. Because of this school leaders must ensure that creating a healthy school culture is a priority. Building a positive school culture starts with leadership. Leaders must be hands-on, willing to make personal sacrifices, and should work with people rather than working against them if they want to improve school culture. School culture is a mindset that can either be positive or negative. No one flourishes in constant negativity.  When negativity persists in a school culture, no one wants to come to school. This includes the administrators, teachers, and students. This type of environment is set up to fail. Individuals are just going through the motions trying to get through another week and eventually another year. No one prospers in this type of environment. It is not healthy, and educators should do everything they can to ensure that they never allow this mindset to creep in. When positivity persists in a school culture, everyone thrives. Administrators, teachers, and students are generally happy to be there. Amazing things happen in a positive environment. Student learning is enhanced. Teachers grow and improve. Administrators are more relaxed. Everyone benefits from this type of environment. School culture does matter. It should not be discounted. Over the past few weeks as I have reflected on this, I have come to believe that it may be the single most important factor for school success. If no one wants to be there, then ultimately a school will not be successful. However, if a positive, supporting school culture exists then the sky is the limit for how successful a school can be. Now that we understand the importance of school culture, we must ask how to improve it. Fostering a positive school culture takes a lot of time and hard work. It will not happen overnight. It is a difficult process that will likely come with immense growing pains. Tough decisions will have to be made. This includes personnel decisions with those unwilling to buy into a change in school culture. Those who resist these changes are the â€Å"toxic soil†and until they are gone, the â€Å"seeds of change†will never firmly take hold. Strategies to Improve School Culture The following seven broad strategies can help guide the process of improving school culture. These strategies are written under the assumption that a leader is in place which seeks to change the culture of a school and is willing to work hard. It is important to note that many of these strategies will require modifications along the way. Every school has its own unique challenges and as such there is no perfect blueprint for refining school culture.  These general strategies are not the end all be all solution, but they can aid in the development of a positive school culture. Create a team consisting of administrators, teachers, parents, and students to help shape changes to school culture. This team should develop a prioritized list of issues they believe harm to the overall school culture. In addition, they should brainstorm possible solutions for fixing those issues. Eventually, they should create a plan as well as a timeline for implementing the plan for turning around the school culture.Administrators must surround themselves with like-minded teachers who fit the mission and vision the team has in place for establishing an effective school culture. These teachers must be trustworthy professionals who will do their job and make positive contributions to the school environment.It is important for teachers feel supported. Teachers who feel like their administrators have their backs are generally happy teachers, and they are more likely to operate a productive classroom. Teachers should never question whether or not they are appreciated. Buil ding and maintaining teacher morale is one of the most important duties a school principal plays in fostering a positive school culture.  Teaching is a very difficult job, but it becomes easier when you work with a supportive administrator.Students spend the largest amount of their time at school in the classroom. This makes teachers the most responsible for creating a positive school culture. Teachers help this process through a variety of ways. First, they build trusting relationships with students. Next, they ensure that every student has an opportunity to learn the required material. Additionally, they figure out a way to make learning fun so that students keep wanting to come back to their class. Finally, they show a vested interest in each student in a variety of ways including attending extracurricular activities, engaging in conversations about interests/hobbies, and being there for a student when they are having a hard time.Collaboration is critical to developing a p ositive school culture. Collaboration enriches the overall teaching and learning experience. Collaboration builds lasting relationships. Collaboration can challenge us and make us better. Collaboration is essential in helping a school truly become a community of learners. Collaboration must be ongoing between every stakeholder within the school. Everyone should have a voice.To establish an effective school culture, you must consider every little nuance in a school. Ultimately, everything contributes to the overall culture of a school. This includes school security, the quality of the food in the cafeteria, the friendliness of the main office staff when there are visitors or when answering the phones, the cleanliness of the school, the maintenance of the grounds, etc. Everything should be evaluated and changed as necessary.Extra-curricular programs can foster an immense amount of school pride. Schools must offer a well-balanced assortment of programs to give every student an opportunity to be involved. This includes a mixture of both athletic and non-athletic programs. Coaches and sponsors responsible for these programs must provide the participants with everyone opportunity to be successful Programs and individuals within these programs should be recognized for their accomplishments.  Ultimately, if you have a positive school culture, every stakeholder feels a sense of pride when one of these programs or individuals is successful.
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