Sunday, July 21, 2019
Development of Fantasy Football Website
Development of Fantasy Football Website Chapter 1. Introduction Project Overview Last year a project was completed for Mr. Starkey (hereinafter referred to as Client) to design a family website. The website was centered on a fantasy football league created for family and friends from around the world. Many other features were involved in the creation of this website including games, events, family news and many more. With all these and an advanced fantasy football competition, more than just a website site was created. In fact a quote from the Client stated â€Å"The website has brought everyone together into a kind of ‘Family Intranet or in other words, a ‘Virtual Community has been created†(Starkey A.J. 2006). Chapter 2. Design Project Aims With the success of the project, the Client has asked for improvements to be made to the fantasy football feature of the website. For next seasons competition the Client would like the entrants to be able to register on-line. The Clients reasons for this are numerous:- To aid in the ease of entering the competition To save on postage for managers in different countries To have one official route for applications, instead of entries coming in from different ways and therefore getting lost and misled To allow alterations to be made by the entrant without contacting the Client To improve the quality of the website and to continuously bring the website forward with new and innovative ideas Project Objectives To fulfil this project and create the on-line fantasy football application I will have to meet several objectives. 1. To enable the entrant to:- Create a user name and password Log in with correct details View fantasy football rules Scroll through the players in different classes i.e. defence, midfield and forwards Pick and list their selected team Process their chosen team E-mail their application to the relevant address Error messages to be given in these circumstances:- Wrong log-in details are supplied Selected team breaks any fantasy football rules Follow the CSS guidelines set in the website structure, and to consider all HCI aspects throughout the design and implementation. To have the new system installed by 11Dec 2006. Project Considerations During all aspects of designing and building this feature the following considerations will be taken into account:- Superstructure Graphics Colour Content Readability Page Layout Links Project Methodology There were several possible methodologies to help with this project. The ones considered were:- 5 STEPS (Steps to Ensure Project Success) where it helps an individual deliver the project on time within budget. The focus is on developing a realistic schedule for a project and then managing it. AIS (Administrative Information System) which uses 7 structured components. PRINCE (Projects IN Controlled Environments) this was produced by the Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) for the development and implementation of IS/IT projects. WebE Process â€Å"WebApps are often delivered incrementally. That is, framework activities will occur repeatedly as each increment is engineered and delivered†(Pressman RS 2005, p 507). Using the WebE Process represents an incremental design structure. The project is split up into increments to be tried and tested individually. This process model is adaptable to fit most tasks or implements. The one I have decided to go with is a methodology called PROMPT (Project Resource Organisation Management Planning Techniques) which although is the predecessor to PRINCE, it is the methodology more suited to my project than the others. PROMPT was designed in an attempt to set down guidelines for a computer project to avoid serious over-running of time limits, which I feel is vital in this project to keep me from falling behind. Even though the WebE process is specifically designed for web applications our project is not incremental. The stage flow guidelines are as follows:- Feasibility Study to determine whether the project should be done/can be done/will work if it is done. Initial stage where the project organisation is set up. Specification Stage in which the user specification was detailed. Design Stage where the logical and from this the physical design of the computer system was designed in detail. Development Stage the system is built and tested. Installation stage the user accepts a working system. Operation Stage when the system is tuned for the work in hand. Interface designs The overall design of the interface has to run along the same lines as the original website, while the log-in and selection pages can follow different routes. There are several different ways of approaching the interface. One option is a simple one click system where you click on a player and it appears in your team. Another option, and the one which will be applied to the feature, is a drag and drop system. Both options are simple for the users to work but the drag and drop system brings little extra to the process. It doesnt have to be just the name that is dragged it can be an icon. This will create a real manager feel to the program. Fig 2 shows an example of this drag and drop procedure. The icon being a players face. User Case The two use case diagrams show how the system will function. Diagram 1 shows how the Entrant will create his account, while Diagram 2 shows what option will be available to the registered manager. Storyboard Storyboarding not only improves your site navigation system but also helps design your website properly. Interface html/css design and layouts The majority of the pages in this section of the website will follow the same guidelines, with the slight exception of the team selection, seen below. Database Design There are several pieces of information required on each player for the database. Each subject data needs to be sorted properly to aid in the running of the database. â€Å"Normalisation is part of successful database design. Without normalisation, database systems can be inaccurate, slow and inefficient and they might not produce the data you expect†( To enable us to follow the normalisation rules to need to find a piece of information that uniquely identifies that player. As team name, player name player position etc can quite easily be duplicate a player ID has been created for each player. The creation of this ID will be automatically created by the database software (mysql) so does not need to be of a concern. The information held an each player are as follows: Field Example ID 1001 Team Name Arsenal Position Goalkeeper Player Name Lehmann Cost 7.5m Further developments The program has been designed so that any future enhancements that are required can be easily implemented. The program is reusable for the fantasy football competition every year. All that needs to be changed each year is the player information. As the database doesnt carry very much data there is plenty of room for extensions or other ideas and new innovations. The program can in future be used for any other fantasy games the client has in mind for future events. Reflection I found that the project, although not impossible to complete in the time limit, the ideas I had to solve the project objectives were over ambitious. The reasons for this soon became clear: My knowledge of PHP was not satisfactory at the start of the project to complete my ambitious objectives. The plan to keep to the main website theme, instead of aiding in the building of the fantasy football section made the project harder to complete. This was that I could not express myself for this project and therefore were limited in the way I could develop it. Considering this, the objectives and aims did not change as I feel that I still completed them moderately. The problem was that the php was very basic in the whole. Although this doesnt help with the time limit available, I can still improve this in the future as I improve my php knowledge. A good example of this is the team selection process. Diagram 6 shows one example of how I would have liked it to have been done. Chapter 3. Project Tracking Project Risks Due to the small size of this project, the risks are few, although I have included a few extra. These need to be considered even though the probability is very low, as they applied to the original project and so also concern the current one. Risk Identity Risk Probability Risk Impact Assessment of risk Risk mitigation management 1. Budget Unlikely Important Domain and monthly web server costs exceed expectations keep within budget where possible 2. Schedule Possible Important Mismanagement of workload Keep with schedule planed in the Gantt chart 3. Design Unlikely Marginal Unable to design to specification and considerations Research thoroughly and seek aid if required 4. Implementation Possible Marginal Software and hardware problems Prepare for this by having a second pc and alternative software available 5. Personnel Unlikely Serious Illness to myself that halts the procedure Seek extensions if required Reflection Project Risks As already reflected on earlier, concerning the objectives that were unfulfilled this also comes under the project risk category. The risk identity here was â€Å"schedule†. Risk Identity Risk Probability Risk Impact Assessment of risk Risk mitigation management 2. Schedule Possible Important Mismanagement of workload Keep with schedule planed in the Gantt chart Here although it says that the assessment of the risk is â€Å"Mismanagement of workload†I would be inclined to say that it was â€Å"Misinterpretation of expectations†Project Methodology The Project Proposal stated that the methodology WebE was going to be used. This was changed when it became clear that that Methodology wasnt completely suited for this project. The WebE is used for incremental applications, while the PROMPT although outdated was more suited this time. Chapter 4. Testing â€Å"Software testing is fundamentally concerned with demonstrating that observed (actual) program behaviour corresponds with specified (expected) program behaviour†(Jorgensen. P. 2002). What this means is that you build your test conditions to match what the expected outcomes of the software are. The best way of doing is to split your software into manageable sections. This is called Unit testing. This does not cover all the testing required, as our software needs to meet accessibility requirements and also pass a validation test. For all these and more we need to decide on a test strategy. Test Strategy The test strategy will include four different types of testing as described below. Sight testing This test will be used throughout the development and implementation of the website, and will be ongoing over short periods. This will spot simple errors before they become bigger. Usability testing This will be used to test every aspect of the website as defined in the website considerations. The tests and results can be seen in the Test plan. The website will then be put through the W3c Mark-up Validation Service test. Accessibility testing Accessibility testing involves measuring the ease with which users with special needs can complete common tasks on your website. The tests and results can be seen in the Test plan. Acceptance testing The Client will then be involved and asked to test all the features of the website to ensure that everything is designed to the clients expectations. This testing may result in further refinements. Usability Testing Using the list from the project consideration, we will test the web site thoroughly. These tests will be completed using different computers, browsers and internet speeds. Below is the test plan, which gives a table of the tests that were carried out, their expected results and their actual results. Test Plan Test No. Test Expected Results Actual Results Superstructure: 1 Is the site layout easy to understand? Yes Yes 2 Is the navigation around the site easy Yes Yes 3 Is the loading time quick and efficient Yes Yes 4 Is the site accessible to users with inferior hardware Yes Yes 5 Is the site accessible to users with inferior software Yes Yes 6 is the site accessible for short-sighted people Yes Yes Graphics: 7 Are they clear and attractive Yes Yes 8 Are they necessary Yes Yes 9 Do they contribute or just a distraction Contribute Contribute 10 Will they unjustifiable add to excessive loading time No Yes 11 Consider alternatives for people with lower spec browsers and software Yes Yes Colour: 12 Is there an attractive mix of colours Yes Yes 13 Do they add to the appearance of the site Yes Yes 14 Do the colours follow web standards Yes Yes 15 Have I considered colour blindness Yes Yes, See Accessibility test. Content: 16 Is the content interesting and of use to the user Yes Yes 17 Is the spelling correct Yes Yes 18 Is interaction possible Yes Yes Readability: 19 Are the pages readable Yes Yes 20 Does the site load correctly using different browsers Yes No! See note 102 Page Layout: 21 Is each page in the site consistent Yes No! See note 101 22 Use of Cascading style sheets Yes Yes Links: 23 Are the links easy to spot Yes Yes 24 Do they work correctly Yes Yes 25 If they follow the links can they return easily Yes Yes 26 Is there a site map, breadcrumbs or similar Yes, example Yes, Site map Program: Registration 27 Accept names and username Yes Yes 28 Accept Correct E-mail Yes Yes 29 Incorrect E-mail Error Error 30 Passwords Encrypt Yes Yes
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